⛸Chapter 10⛸

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Farren was not tired, and the boys could say the same, even though the time was 11: 59 pm.

All three of them were looking at the clock with controller in hand, they had a small cheer when it became morning, but quickly turned their attention back to Mario Kart.

"I need a banana peel," Farren said, crinkling her eyebrows at the screen.

Thomas was in the lead, obviously he had been practicing, he dropped ink in which Elliot responded to, " Thomas!"

Elliot was loosing, feeling the wrath of his brother and Farren who was closely following.

"Farren look out," Thomas smiled dropping a small bomb, which she dodged, giving Elliot more trouble.

"I hate you guys," Elliot grumbled throwing his controller on the couch when the round ended.

"I want a coffee, with two sugar cubes, and lots of creamer," Farren called when he walked into the kitchen.

"Can I have chocolate milk please?"

"Ok, you highnesses," Elliot said grabbing a mug and travel cup, making their drinks.

"One more round !"

"No it's time for bed Thomas, " Elliot spoke.

Thomas crawled into Farren's lap, and Farren looked at him before looking at Elliot.

"Please, we both want to play," Farren said.


"He's a sore looser," Thomas spat going up the stairs.

Farren laughed, accepting her coffee from Elliot with a smile as she watched him turn off the tv.

"You can sleep in my room again, I don't mind sleeping on the couch or beanbags," Elliot said to her as he started up the stairs.

"Thanks for the offer, but I think I'm good here."


"And this is Farren, she doesn't live here, but she is staying since it's snowy and she was somewhere like a homeless person."

Thomas was walking around before everyone else was up, his blue tablet glued to his hands as his group of friends sat on the other side.

"Is your brother dating her?"

"Ew, no," Thomas grimaced grabbing a sip cup and pointing the camera back at Farren.

"Does she like him," A girl with blonde curls spoke from the other side, Farren started to come too.

"I think so, but I am not sure, how do you find out?" Thomas spoke to his friends.

"Follow her around, but don't let her catch you ! Give us updates," The dark tan colored boy, with small white patches on his skin spoke with a smile.

"I bet they will date, " The blonde one spoke again, this time Farren was awake.

"Who will date?"

Thomas felt his stomach drop, and his friends went silent, he ran up the stairs closing his door.

Farren giggled, but she was confused, she turned on the television, and Elliot made his way down the stairs.

She heard chattering from Thomas upstairs, the white paint-chipped door closed.

"He seemed scared," Elliot pointed upstairs taking a seat next to Farren, handing her a cup of coffee.

"Thanks, and yeah I woke up with a camera in my face, and I do not look cute when I sleep, I'm sure he's terrified!"

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