Chapter 20

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A few days had passed and it was now the fourteenth of December, Christmas was close and the sun was actually starting to shine. Farren and Elliot were wrapped in a warm blanket together his laptop playing "Elf" quietly at dawn.

"This is my favorite part," Farren whispered.

"My favorite part is watching it with you," Elliot whispered.

She smiled tossing a piece of popcorn at his face, "Don't be so cheesy."

He pressed a kiss on her cheek, turning back to the movie.

The movie lasted for a hour longer and the sun was rising, starting to show color through the curtains.

Farren yawned snuggling into Elliot more and closing her eyes.

"You want to sleep?"

"Just for a minute," Farren said softly.

"A minute?"

"Or the whole day," she yawned, feeling the vibration when he laughed.

"Maybe just for a minute," he smiled and closed his eyes, letting sleep wash over the both of them.

It wasn't until 12 pm that day that they were awoken, Marilyn came in to ask what they wanted for lunch.

"Mhmm," Elliot groaned rubbing his eye and sitting up gently .

"Oh sorry hun," Marilyn whispered, " What do you two want for lunch?"

"I think I am gonna let her sleep for a while, I will come help you cook."

Elliot got out of bed following his mom to the kitchen, which had a vanilla bean candle lit on the counter.

"So are you two dating now?"

Elliot smiled, "If you just have to know mother... yes we are."

Marilyn smiled, " I am glad."

Elliot didn't say anything looking for a tray to put Farren's breakfast on.

"The classic breakfast in bed?"

"You know it," Elliot shot his mother a smile.

Marilyn laughed making grilled cheese for the family.

After he finished sprinkling the powdered sugar on the fresh doughnuts he walked carefully up the stairs opening the door to his room.

Farren was still asleep, peacefully, she was lightly snoring, but mostly just breathing, her left hand clutched the blanket around her tightly.

Elliot smiled at her not wanting to wake her, he knew she would want the food fresh so he decided he would wake her after he got a movie ready. She loved Hallmark movies, especially the cheesy ones. He picked a random stream that constantly played them, grabbed a vanilla candle to light, and then shook her awake lightly.

Farren groaned rolling over to look at him.

"I brought you breakfast," Elliot offered.


"And Pancakes, " he passed her the tray and she looked over the food with excitement.

She ate as he started the movies and sat next to her, snagging a piece of fresh, crispy bacon from her plate, which earned a thump on the head from Farren.

"Caring is sharing," he shrugged turning the volume of the movie up.

Once Farren had finished her breakfast Elliot pulled her close, planting a kiss on her mouth in a joking manner.

She laughed, "Stop it Elliot, I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

"I don't care about that," he winked.

She pushed him away and giggled. He moved the covers away and pulled her back, in which she reacted by laughing and scrunching her face up. His leg touched hers, his skin was cold so she jumped.



"Your leg in cold," she scooted away.

"My lips are warm," he winked.

Farren smacked him with the pillow getting up from the bed and grabbing her dishes to bring downstairs. She walked down the stairs careful not to drop any and she was doing well until Thomas popped from around the corner, "Farren!"

"AH," Farren let out a scream falling two steps down, shattering a mug, and falling on her bum. "Yet another shattered mug." Farren mumbled.

"I didn't mean to scare you." Thomas looked to the floor.

"Oh that's ok you were just excited Thomas. You're fine." Farren waved it off. She stood up making sure to avoid any glass pieces.

Elliot walked out of the room, "I heard a scream and a crash are you okay Farren?" Elliot asked.

"Yes I'm fine but the mug isn't." Farren pointed.

"That's ok." Elliot shrugged, "Speaking if mugs I still haven't found my favorite one." Elliot mumbled.

"Welp," Farren started, "Lets clean up this mess."

"I'll clean it up I don't want you stepping on glass." Elliot said.

"Psh save the chilvary for later. I'm pretty sure I can clean up a little glass." Farren laughed.

"I was trying to be nice." Elliot said acting hurt.

"Well I can clean things like this up it's glass the worst it can do is cut my foot." Farren shrugged.

"Or you could trip fall on a piece and it could stab you in the chest and you could die." Elliot said.

"But that's just a what if," Farren giggled shoving him slightly. She went and got the broom and cleaned all the glass up.

"Oh my god Elliot." Farren cries dramatically, "The glass it poked me. I mustn't be able to live." She grinned.

"Hey quit making fun of me," Elliot pouted.

"I'm not," Farren shook her head, "I'm simply telling you maybe you were a bit dramatic with the me dying situation."

"You're making fun of me." Elliot said.

"Fine maybe I was making fun of you just a little bit." Farren grinned showing how much she was making fun of him with her hands.

"That's a lie." Elliot pouted.

Farren giggled pressing a kiss to his lips before pulling away with a smile, "Better?"

"Maybe one more," he smirked.

"Ew!" Thomas screeched from his spot on the stairs.

"Ew!" Thomas screeched from his spot on the stairs

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