Chapter 1

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*By: AliceW12346*
*Pictured above is Mack Dawson as I imagine him*

The man looked around him, searching through the night for any sign of movement. His eyes narrowed in a dark area, looking around him for anyone who might be interested in his business. Luckily, he saw none. He turned back to the building and walked inside, nodding to the security guard stationed outside the door. He nodded slightly to the receptionist and turned to the elevator.

Rina Steele watched him through advanced thermal goggles. The red shape of a man flickered out of her vision while he climbed up the floors. She sat on the roof of the building across from the building, waiting for the elevator to stop at the top floor, and him to come back into her field of view. She watched him patiently, lying on her stomach, her cheek pressed to the M1903 Springfield, her finger laid loosely on the trigger. Her grey eyes were placed directly behind the scope, peering through at the tinted window, and her long red hair was pinned up in a ponytail.

The red shape finally came back into view, at a desk in front of another red shape. She waited patiently as the other man walked around the desk and stood directly next to the man behind the desk, their shapes morphing into one.

Rina released a breath, slowing her breathing down and relaxing her muscles. Without a second's thought, her finger flexed onto the trigger, releasing a silent shot into the air. Smoke leaked out from the silencer as she watched both figures collapse to the floor and a group of men running in from a side building.

At an impressive speed, Rina disassembled the Springfield and placed it back in its case, closing and locking it. She picked up the plastic sheet she was lying on, quickly rolling it up and placing it in her bag. In a matter of minutes, Rina had run down the stairs of the building and jumped into the awaiting van behind the alley.

"Good work, Steele," her handler, Mack Dawson, greeted her as she sat back in the chair of the van. His brown hair fell over his blue eyes as he focused on driving out of the alley, shooting only a glance through the rearview mirror and making sure she made it into the van. The dark shadows gave them cover as they manoeuvred in and out of the alleys. The engine was specifically designed to make barely a sound, and the windshield was made with night vision technology. They saw everything, and nothing saw them.

"Any problems?"

"No, sir," Rina muttered, but managed to make her voice clear and strong at the same time. She wasn't one to exchange commentary, her likeness towards people never extended beyond those found in her books. She leaned back and closed her eyes.

The targets were two businessmen who had cheated the government. They had been stealing money from their company and providing the government with half of what they owed. In addition, they had been high-ranking members of a Mexican Cartel, and had been using their high-level security to keep off the police's radar.

Rina was an assassin, in charge of killing those that the government wanted dead, whether it was a raping, murdering drug lord or an innocent old lady who forgot her taxes for a couple years. It was the darker side of the American government and the FBI, the side no one wants civilians to know about.

She was efficient and ruthless, feeling nothing. She didn't care about who she killed. It was what made her the best. The best soldier, the best shot, the best employee. She was the top of the Agency, and no one dared touch her.

She still had to show respect the Higher-Ups, but even they weren't very strict with her out of fear. She kept her anger on a tight leash, making it impossible to rouse any sort of emotion from her, tough her reputation kept people cautious around her anyways.

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