Chapter 5

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*By AliceW12346*

After Ace left Rina to sleep, Victoria joined him in a walk around the base since Ace was still unfamiliar with it. He had been living and training off base to keep his identity a secret. So far, only Victoria and Rina knew of his secret, but he was sure they wouldn't spread any rumours.

Victoria and Ace were walking through one of the many white hallways, and he told her about his brief experience with Rina.

"That doesn't sound like Rina to me," Victoria said with a small smile as she heard of their 'acting'. "She usually sticks to ignoring people until they give up. Or she takes the less dramatic way. You must be special," she added with a wink.

"Yeah, I must have a special place on her list of people she hates."

"I wouldn't say that. She usually never speaks at all. Unless she's putting someone n their place, of course."

"You guys are best friends, huh?"

"Well, I mean, I've known her since we were kids. We've been working together since she turned 12 after her first mission. I was training to become a medic for the Agency. She came in with a bullet to the shoulder. She didn't even flinch when we took it out."

"Wait. Her first mission was at 12-years-old? And she took a bullet?!" Ace asked, outraged.

"Yep. She's the best at what she does."

Ace thought, then decided to take a chance. "Do you know anything about her from before she came here?"

"I don't know anything about her before the day I met her. She won't talk to anyone. I heard her file is for Alex's eyes only, top clearance level. She won't talk to me about it since she doesn't even think I'm her friend." Victoria looked down sadly and Ace put a hand on her shoulder, saying nothing. "We should get back. She'll be waking up soon." She gave him a soft smile, one he didn't return.

They made their way back to the medical wing, just in time to see Rina sit up and stretch.

"She's like clockwork," Victoria whispered to Ace.

Rina looked at them, bored. "You didn't watch me sleep, did you? Stalking is against the law," she muttered, looked at Ace.

"You wish sweetheart." He winked at her, making her grimace.

Rina hopped off the table and started walking away. Victoria said a quick goodbye before looking back and going to work. Ace ran after Rina. 

"Why do you keep following me?"

"You're my partner. I don't exactly have a choice in the matter," Ace grumbled as they fell into step.

"So? I've had the same partner for 4 years and I never had a conversation with him. Actually, why I am talking to you?"

"Oh, I must be special." He slung an arm over her shoulders but she just ignored him. "Hey, don't go all quiet on me now." 

Rina had managed to shut down, taking all her emotions and anger and locking them up tight.

Ace started getting nervous. "Come on, Rina. Talk to me." He nudged her and poked her cheek, but she didn't make any attempt to stop him. Her face remained stoic as she continued down the long twisting hall. "If you don't acknowledge me, I'll be forced to get your attention. Just remember, I warned you."

Rina still said nothing as they kept walking.

Suddenly, Rina was pinned against the wall with Ace pushed against her. His body was flush against hers, chest to chest, with her hands pinned above her head. Her face remained stoic, barely meeting just below his eyes.

"You're really pushing it, Rina," he growled out, his anger getting the worst of him. He leaned down, leaving them nose to nose, their lips brushing slightly. "Have it your way," he whispered huskily before finally pressing his lips to hers. 

Her eyes widened at the action, and her hands balled into fists, closing her eyes to contain her anger, ignoring the tingles being sent through her body as he moved against her. Seconds passed before he finally released her with a grin on his face.

Before he had time to see it coming, her fist connected with his jaw, sending him flying towards the other side of the hallway. His back slammed into the wall, making him grimace in pain. Rina ran at him with incredible speed as she punched him in the face again. And again. And again.

Ace finally caught her fists and spun them around, pusher her against the wall and making her head bang against it. "Rina!"

"What!?" she screamed out.


"Don't fucking touch me!" Her voice was filled with venom.

Ace pushed himself against her, making her breath hitch as he laid his forehead on hers. "Calm down, Rina," he whispered, but that only fueled her anger.

She thrashed against the hold, lifting her knee up, hitting him in the balls. Ace's eyes snapped open as he groaned and released her. He leaned over, in pain and Rina took her chance, elbowing his back and kicking his legs out from under him.

He crashed to the floor not having a moment to breathe before Rina kicked him in the stomach, over and over. He spit out blood as she crouched down at his level, the most hateful glare he'd ever seen, one he tried to return and failed. 

"Don't ever touch me again." She stood up. "Ever." And she walked away, leaving him writhing in pain in the empty hallway.

He was definitely going to find out what that was about. He was going to find out today.

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