Chapter 4

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*By AliceW12346*
*Pictured above is Rina Steele as I imagine her *

Blank lifted his head and watched as Rina put her limp hand against the wall and pushed hard on it. The sound of breaking bones was heard throughout the training room as Rina popped her shoulder back in in one go. The other assassins, including Alex and his visitors, watched in shock as Rina placed the expressionless mask back on.

"Well! You've got my funds!" Patrick told Alex with a pat on his shoulder.

"I'd say you've got the FBI's funds as well," Daniel said, not taking his eyes off Rina. 

"Shit..." Jonathan mumbled. He rubbed his head and turned to look back at Alex. "Yeah. I can't really say no to that." He grumbled as he stuck his arm out to Alex, who took it graciously with a sly grin.

"Thank you, very much. Good work, Rina. Do you need to see the infirmary?"

Rina swung her arms around a couple times, making some of the assassins wince, waiting for the arm to pop out again. She rubbed her shoulder a little before answering.

"Maybe just an ice pack for the swelling. I think Blank needs some for his face too."

Blank could see her biting back a smirk and glared at her. She looked at him nonchalantly, as if he didn't matter. For some reason, he felt a pang in his chest and looked away.

"Alright, well, you better get that ice then." 

Rina nodded and began walking towards the medicinal wing. Blank quickly stood up and ran after Rina.

"Wasn't it painful?" 

Rina didn't look at him as she answered. "Extremely so."

"How did you manage not to flinch? Or scowl, or really anything?"

"When I was young, I taught myself to get used to pain. If you show you're affected, they'll just keep doing it. My pain tolerance is the highest in the Agency."

"So you're the top agent at everything you do?"

"Except dealing with people. Like, with emotions. I have little to no empathy."

Blank stopped walking and watched her in shock. "Wait, are you a sociopath?" he asked cautiously.

"No. I just don't really care what happens to other people. I mean, it's not happening to me. So why should I care?" Rina shrugged and walked away.

Blank shook his head and ran to catch up with her. They walked in silence as they made their way to the medical wing. Blank watched her walk, the way she swayed her hips, the way her feet followed an invisible straight line, the way her hair swished back and forth with each step. Again, he was hit by the thought that he somehow knew her.

"Why were you smiling when we were fighting?" he asked, remembering the small smile that she had on her face after he had punched her.

"It's been forever since I've actually been hit. That was the first time I've seen my blood all year. Thank you for that," she mumbled, making Blank grin.

"So, you're a masochist?" he teased, walking backwards to face her with a cheeky grin.

"No. Sadist? Maybe. But no way am I into submission," she grumbled, making Blank laugh.

Suddenly, he stopped in front of her. But thanks to her reflexes, she easily sidestepped him. Unluckily for him, he grabbed her elbow, pulling her back. But before her body clashed with his, she grabbed his arm and threw him over her shoulder. "Are you a masochist? Because I'm fairly sure you've learnt by now not to touch me." Rina raised an eyebrow at the boy on the floor as he groaned in pain.

"Honestly? I might be, 'cause all I'm thinking is how hot that was," he groaned, making her blush.

She turned away and kept walking before he could see the heat spreading over her cheeks.

Blank quickly got up and caught up to her once more as they finally made it to the medical wing. Rina ignored the stares, as always, and made her way to Victoria.

"Hey, Rina. What did you do this time?" Victoria asked, brushing away her blonde hair and grabbing Rina's hand. Her green eyes observed her injuries cautiously.

"I dislocated my shoulder and then popped it back in..." she said, looking down.

"Are you kidding me, Rina? I'm amazed you can even move it! This is ridiculous! Why did you dislocate your shoulder?!"

"Wasn't my fault. This guy put me in an arm-lock and I had to get out. Blame him," she mumbled, motioning to Blank and hopping onto the examination table. 

Victoria quickly turned to him with a glare on her face. "Why did you put my best friend in an arm-lock?" she asked, with so much venom that it made Blank flinch.

"We were in a sparring match in front of the people with the funds for the Agency. Alex was there, ask him," he said, with his hands up. 

Victoria scrutinized him with narrowed eyes, then it turned into a mask of confusion. "Wait, who are you? I've taken care of almost everyone in the Agency but I've never seen you," she asked as she turned to Rina and examined her arm.

"Ace Striker. Also known as Blank on the scoreboard." 

Victoria froze, as well as Rina. They slowly turned to look at him.

"Striker?" Victoria asked in shock.

"Ace. Striker." Rina spoke slowly with wide eyes that suddenly turned into a smirk. "I beat a Striker. Damn, it's my lucky day." She smirked making Ace glare at her.

"What about you? I didn't think Rina had any friends considering her 'stay-away-from-me-or-I'll-gut-you' vibe."

"She's my best friend," Victoria said as Rina simultaneously responded, "I don't have any friends." Victoria looked at Rina with a glare while Rina looked back with a blank stare.

"You're my best friend and I'm yours. I don't care what you say." She pushed Rina's arm in its proper position. Rina didn't blink. "Don't listen to her. She's stupid. We've been best friends since we were 10." She gave him a beaming smile.

"No, we're not. You say we are. I let you believe it." Rina mumbled, looking away.

"Oh shut it." Victoria walked to a freezer where she took out two ice packs, chucking them over her shoulder at both Rina and Blank. Rina caught it with ease but Blank stumbled, not expecting the throw.


"So what now?" Blank asked.

"I'm going to sleep," Rina mumbled as she laid down on the examination table and turned towards the wall. Ace looked at Victoria with wide eyes.

"Is she serious?"

She gave him a wink and a smile. "As the dead."

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