Chapter 6

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*By: amy_bda (me)*

Ace waited until lunchtime to make his move.

After Rina moved out of sight, he returned to his room. It was painted a deep blue, even the ceiling, with glowing stars and a moon traced onto it. It was done when he first moved into the Agency with his father, a little piece of his old life he managed to take with him.

He was still in a lot of pain, but couldn't face going back to the infirmary. Victoria would be curious about what happened, and he didn't want to explain it to her. Instead, he turned to the mini-bar he stashed in his room and took some ice out.

His father operated like clockwork, despite all the times he had warned his father that a schedule would get him killed. Or, in this case, help him get information on a certain girl. He was still stiff, but he would manage.

At exactly 12:30, he left his room. Ace knew his father would be at lunch in his quarters. He was the Chief, but he still liked some of the comforts of his old life. Like eating in his chambers instead if in an office. Normally it was something he found weird for a Chief, but today it would help him.

His father's office was hard to get into. First, it was extremely well hidden. Most of the compound was one level underneath the ground. But his father's office and quarters were on a different level, along with some safe rooms for important people.

One could only get down by elevator, meaning that an attack would have to leave the power on. And leaving it on meant that their initial defence systems would also be working, making it virtually impossible for enemies to sneak in.

Even if someone did manage to get in, the elevator was hidden behind a secret panel deep within the labyrinth of corridors. And it could only be accessed if one had permission. Their prints and their retinal scan had to be in the special system specifically for the elevator access, that was updated daily based on the needs of that date. The panel for scanning your prints and eyes was also hidden.

Even if you managed to get past all of that, there was a 24/7 guard rotation on the floor to ensure the Chief and any special guests were kept safe from attacks, including two guards directly outside the elevator. They had monitors connected to exactly 5 security cameras hidden in the elevator and were alerted the minute someone stepped inside. There were no safety measures for making sure that armed people couldn't ride the elevator, as the guards wouldn't be able to reach the floor. However, there were x-ray scanners that could find and alert the guards to any hidden weapons.

There were also 10 additional guards patrolling the hallways at any given time. All the guards were handpicked, and the most loyal of the assassins in the Agency, protecting against bribes. There were also several backup guards, and the schedules rotated constantly, so there would never be a moment without them.

However, Ace, being the son of the Chief, easily made his way past all the defences.

He was already in the base and finding the elevator and secret panel was second nature at this point. His fingerprints and his retinal scan were permanently in the database for elevator access making it a simple matter for him to get in. When he stepped out the elevator, he recognised the men placed outside it.

"Mike, David, how are you guys?" he asked. He didn't have too much time, but breezing past them would be too suspicious.

"Hey Ace, alright. A little bored, but when isn't this boring?" replied the heavier-set man, Mike.

"I feel you, my rotations had me tearing my hair out."

"Yeah, lucky you got out of playing guard dog for your Dad. Anyways, have to ask mate, why are you down here?" asked David.

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