Chapter 9

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*By: @amy_bda*

Rina sat on the park bench, studiously ignoring Ace. She instead kept her focus on her target. It was the second day of the trailing her target, trying to find an opening. And she was mostly unsuccessful. The man's security detail was very tight - the first warning. It was clear to anyone who bothered to look that he had something to hide.

Ace had tried to talk to her for the first few minutes, but he had finally given up. She was in no mood to try to talk to him, anyways. She was still simmering from his actions earlier. Only years of careful training kept her from attacking him or dissolving into a panicked mess. He had come so close to the truth, a truth she kept locked away. If anyone discovered it...

Rina shook her head. She needed to concentrate. She'd been out of it for the past few days, letting her emotions take control. She hadn't allowed that to happen since the mysterious boy. Once again, she focused her mind. She could deal with the problem of Ace after she dealt with the politician.

Suddenly, she sat up straight - Ace had disappeared from his post. Scowling, she scanned the area to find him nowhere near. He'd completely disappeared. After another quick scan, however, Rina returned her gaze to her target. She didn't need him, so good riddance. She could do it on her own.

However, Ace clearly had other ideas. She shook her head in disbelief as she watched Ace reappear. He snuck close to their target and pulled something from his pocket before retreating out of the range of the bodyguards. Before she could begin to wonder what he had stolen, she heard an enraged roar from the politician, and he started gesticulating wildly. Rina rose from her position to intercept Ace before he ruined everything.

Before she could, Ace was walking up to the politician again. This time, he didn't bother to hide. Rina cursed under her breath and watched.

"Gentlemen, I believe this is yours." Ace held up a glossy black phone before the bodyguards could push him away. "I noticed a young man running away from you and found this in his pocket. You really need to get better guards."

The bodyguards eyed him with suspicion. "Who says you didn't steal it, then decided to bring it back for a reward?"

"Good question. Because I'm employed under private security as well." Ace pulled a card out of his jacket pocket and handed it to the politician. The man inspected the card, then handed it back to Ace.

"I could use someone like you on my team, Mr. Ward. You weren't even hired by me, and you still noticed. Better than these two useless guards here. What do you say you work for me?"

Ace paused, pretending to think it over. He flashed a discreet smirk at Rina. "Alright. As long as you let me bring my partner. She's just about as good as me."

The politician nodded, then turned to his two bodyguards. "You two are fired. Pack up your things and leave by tonight. Mr. Ward, I expect to see you at my address by 5 pm tonight. Here's my card."

The politician nodded then turned away, ignoring the protests of his former guards. Ace walked over to Rina, handing her the card. "You're welcome."

Rina only glared at Ace. This didn't make them even in any way. But part of her couldn't help be impressed. The way he figured out the politician's character and used it to his advantage. His smooth talking that raised no eyebrows. Quickly, she smothered the thought and strode back to their hotel. She still had work to do. And she still could do it without Ace. No matter what Alex said.

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