Wings of string

27 0 0

We hit the last cord of the song then waited for a bit well it faded away. I said goodbye to the camera then headed out to wash of the makeup while Jacky finished up the recording.

Oops! Sorry, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Cody Riverfall, interesting name I know, and i'm 16 years old.

I live with Jacky McEwen aka my best friend, and we , along with are families duh, have lived together for the past 3 years. we've been friends for as long as I can remember thought.

Aaaany-who, as I was saying, As I went to wash of the makeup we wear( identity reasons, the internet can be dangerous) i feeling that had been bothering me for a while came back. the recording had helped take my mined off it but now it was back.

*sigh* high school

[dramatic 'Dun DUN DUUUUUUUN]

Now before you start saying "oh come on its not THAT bad" keep this in mind.

Me, Jacky, and jack's brother Leo have all been home schooled for the past 3 years, so middle school, and we haven't really uh... socialized.

high school+three socially awkward teenagers= probably a disaster

I had just gotten to are room, still thinking bout tomorrow when suddenly i hear


Holy Jacky can be LOUD sometimes! she probably gets that from being Irish and playing drums.

I walk back to the bathroom chuckling.

"It's by the the sink, you doof"

"i knew that"

As we were getting the makeup off i noticed Jacky looking at me oddly, however, she didn't say anything out of the ordinary until we got back to are room.

We had just changed into are pj's when she sat on the bed, when she looked at me, her hazel eyes filled with a hit of worry finally spoke.

"Hey Cody, is something wrong? For the past while you've seemed a bit off." She said her voice reflecting the worry I saw just moments before.

Not knowing how to respond right away, I turned my head as I replied as honest as i could.

"hmn, really? Oh, sorry i'm just a little nervous." Oh god Cody smooth...

Almost as if she could read my mind she replied almost instantly.

"Don't apologize! You nervous 'bout school?"


After a pause she replied,

"Ya, same"

I was about to say something when suddenly are parents shouted probably the best thing ever!

"Cody! Jacky! Leo! time for dinner!"

We looked at each outer then bolted out the room up the stairs joined by a groggy looking Leo, Jacky's brother up to are laughing parents.

~~~~~~~~~(magical time skip--> next day)~~~~~~~~~~

We sat in comfortable silence as the bus made it's way to school. we had opted for matching(ish) outfits, aside for a few minor things. Leo was sick, so it was just the two of us on the first day.

five minutes later

We both presumably looked very odd just standing there ogling at the building but, whatever. brushing are hair out of are faces we looked at each outer.

"Holy Cow! This place is HUGE!" we both said at the same time, before dissolving in to giggles.

We both took a deep breath before joining hands and making are way into the school.

Well.. this is gonna be interesting.


Hey guys, Wolfie here!

I'm not dead!! sorry about not posting in forever. one

But I'm back now and i will try and post as often as i can!

Anyways, love you guys, and I will see you peeps later! Bye bye!

Wolfie out! 💚*puts hand over camera*

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