Lunch is great unless your the new kid

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*warning: offensive slurs against the LGBTQ+ community. I hate the words but for this seen the were "appropriate"*

??? POV


  The ear splitting bell rang, indicating lunch time. As everyone rushed out, I waited until everyone left before quietly leaving after thanking my teacher, Mrs Parker. 

  I quietly went to my locker after waiting for the halls to clear. I really don't want to deal with those guys today. Or ever.

  After successfully getting my lunch, I headed outside and walked towards the trees, backpack full of art stuff on my back. 

  I had just made it to a nice looking tree when I herd the oh so framilliar voices I had been trying to avoid.

" Ohhhh bennnn." Came the first one dripping with oily fake sweet.

" did you miss us little gay boy?"  Said the second tauntingly, a fake sounding laugh from both caused me  to cringe.

"No, I really didn't"

Jacky's pov

"Hey Cody?" I asked as we walked away from are lockers 

"Yeeees?" She replied in a funny voice 

"Ya goof" I giggled "where should we eat?"

We were now outside the school building as it was a beautiful day out.

"How bout over by those trees?" Cody pointed to a peach of trees neer the back of the school

"Sure!" I started running towards it 

"HEY WAIT FOR ME!!!" She yelled laughing as she ran after me 

I was about to yell something back when suddenly I stopped. 

I few meters  infront of me I saw a boy with two jocks surrounding him on ither side smirking.   

"Oh come on Ben don't be like that" I heard the taller of the two say in a mean sickly sweet voice. 

"Yeah or we might do this ya little fag" the shorter one said going to punch Ben.

But I had a plan and was already running.

Bens pov

Just as Conner was about to punch me I herd an accented voice shout my name.

"Hey Ben! There ya are! We've been looking everywhere for ya."

I turned and saw a girl with a watermelon hat run towards me.

When she got to us she slung her arm over my shoulder and pointed to another girl a little way off.

"Dude I thought Cody told ya to meet us by the library."

As the jocks looked at this Cody she whispered in my ear

"Jacky, cousin" i nodded

"Sorry Jacky, I got to uh distracted" I pointed my head to the jocks.

She briefly scowled before smiling sweetly at the jocks.

"Guys this is my cousin jacky"

Before the Connor or Grayson had a chance to replie jacky grabbed my arm and pulled me towards her friend.

"Come on dude codes mom made those cookies you love"

"Yes!" I replied

Thank you


Guess who's back? Back again!

Hey guys sorry for the long wait for this chapter, I was actually having a lot of difficulty writeing it  for some reason but it's done!! 

Admittedly not my best but like I said for some reason hard to word properly. Probably because it was my first attempt a switching povs but \_(0-0)_/

I'll stop rambling 

Hope you enjoyed 


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