And hitting the low ones

17 0 0

Lylas pov

I looked up from my drawing when I heard the door to my room open. It was a "servent" probably to wake me up. Hah jokes on you I'm already up so ha.

Seeing as I was already up he simply said " downstairs in ten minutes miss" before leaving my room.

I internally cringed at the "miss" before getting up and getting dressed. 

Hi. My name is Lyla Rein and I'm not a girl. I mean I'm not a boy ether, I'm non bianary but only Lucy (or snow as I call her) knows. I like music, I play  violin and I'm learning saxophone, I hate my long hair( not allowed to cut it), and I hate being a "rich kid".


I threw on a random black band tee-shirt, black jeans and a gray Disney hoodie. 

Grabbing my bag and violin case. I walked out to the stairs where snow was waiting for me.  Snow ran down the stairs, me right behind her and we ran to the kitchen.

                                                     -    *time skip to arriving at school*   -

When The car pulled up at the school we hopped out at thanked the "chauffeur". Glad we had convinced are parents to send us to public school last year, we walked into the semi framilliar high school as ready as we would ever been for another year of high school.



Sorry for the short chapter, but we can now really get the story ball rolling!

Leave me a comment on what you think of the characters and there introduction chapters. Ales leave me constructive criticism of how my writing can improve.

Thanks, I hope you're excited for this story cuz I am!

See ya soon!!


Drummer girl //discontinuedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt