Welcome to h̷e̷l̷l̷ highschool

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Jacky and Cody 3erd person pov

    Cody and Jacky stood staring at the building in front of them. It was a huge building, but it had to be considering the school held over 1000 students from grades 10 to grade 12. It had two floors, a separate building for the gym AND pool, and a theater. So yeah... Huge. 

   Cody looked over at Jacky just as Jacky was looking at her, the two of them silently agreeing that this was going to be hard. The two (well three) had been homeschooled ever since they moved [back] to Canada four years ago, meaning they were completely unprepared for high school. (A/N for anyone confused about the school organization, I'm using the school system from were I live. It goes like this: preschool (optional), Elementary school-kindergarten to grade 6, middle school- grade 7 to grade 9, High School-grade 10 to grade 12. Then after that you can chose to go to college of university. In the story they are in grade 10 the first year of high school. Now back to the story)

    Finally the two of them walked up to the school and went inside. One inside the two were immediately greeted with NOISE! Even Jacky who was used to drums cringed. There were so many people! The two of the looked at each other for a moment befor venturing out into the halls. Cody felt Jacky's shaking hand grab hers so they wouldn't get separated and she squeezed it reassuringly.  They quickly found a sign for the office and went tho grab there timetable.

             ~smol lil time skip to the first class homeroom~


   The ear splitting bell rung Indicating class had started and the teacher, a friendly looking woman stood up. 

   "Good morning class! I'm Mrs Parker and I will be your home room teacher" she has a kind voice though Jacky.

" I'll start off with attendance"

"Joey brooks?'


"Sarah Anderson?"


"Alice Mao-long?"

"Here" said a soft voice belonging to an asinine girl with a cat ear headband on

"Grayson Burn?"


"Lucy Rein?


"Lyla Rein?"

"I'm here"

The "rein sisters" sat in the back of the room, the shorter haired one looking done with everything.

"Nikki O'neil"

"Here" A blue haired girl replied

Names names names

"And finally we have three new students" Mrs Parker said 

"Jackson McEwen?"

"Here" Jacky replied internally face palming for forgetting about her "real name" and cringed when she herd some one whisper "oh it's a girl"

"Cody Riverfall?" 


"What kind of a name is that?" Someone said sarcastically 

"My name" Cody said back shutting them up

"Leo McEwen?" 

"He's sick Miss" Jacky said 

"Okay thank you Jackson" 

After attendance Mrs Parker let the kids talk and get to know each other. 

   Jacky and Cody had never felt so out of place as they did at that moment. Most of these kids had grown up together or at least had gone to the same school but Cody and Jacky only really had each other. Even growing up in two different parts of the world, they had stayed close and hadn't really had many friends. 

This was definitely going to be an interesting year.


Enjoy a longer chapter. 

Over the next three week updates will be fairly unfrequented because of a trip I'm going on. But I might get to see Jacksepticeyes tour show in Montreal so I'm really REALLY excited!!!

See ya soon!


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