The Purple Ukulele

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I can definitely say one thing for certain...

being woken up with a bucket of cold water is NOT a nice, refreshing way to wake up, ESPETIALY IF THERE ARE FLIPPING ICE CUBES IN IT!!

Yet here I am, rubbing my head where the ice hit it and glaring daggers and my younger brother Dalin how is currently standing above me with a dripping bucket and a smug look on his face.

"Mom said to wake you up" was his only explanation before tossing the pail aside and walking out.

I watched him leave in silence, not giving him the satisfaction of a response, before getting out of my now sokeing bed and heading to the bathroom as silently as possible.

However when I arrived, I had to suppress a burst of giggles because of how I looked.

You know those blue curly mops with the white handles? Yeah that's how I looked but only soken wet.

My usually light blue curly hair, witch was now dark and 'strait',  lay plastered to my pale skin. And, mixed with my white pajamas and thin frame, I really did  look like one of those mop thing.

  ~~ 5 minutes later~~

Now dressed and dry, I rushed out of my room, stopping only to grab my backpack and ukulele bag (the ukulele was in it obviously) then ran out. I ran back in quickly though, after realizing I forgot my phone and bus pass,  grabbing an apple off the counter, locked the door then bolted out . 

As I was running to the bus stop, I silently fumed at my brother. Of course he would wait till the last minute to wake me up.

I barely made the bus and i was out of breath but luckily managed to grab a seat then we were  off. 

Well my first day of high school was off to a great start (sarcasm noted)


sorry I've been gone for forever

but i'm back for now!


~wolfie out

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