Chapter One: Birthday Eve

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Hey guys, this is my second book but my first one wasn't that good in my opinion. I really hope you enjoy this book and give it a chance. Also, I am really sorry that it has taken me so long to post the first chapter. I stopped writing the book and only decided to continue it now. Enjoy!

Song: Walking on sunshine

Islay's POV

"Islay....." "Islay... Wake up..." I squint my eyes and am greeted with my mum hovering over my face. "Okay but just give me 5 more minutes" I mumble into my pillow. "Okay but be quick, if you want your ride to school dad will be leaving soon," mum says to me as she exits my room. 

I roll out of bed bringing my duvet with me as I land on the carpet below. I groan as I stand up and trudge across the hallway and into the bathroom. I go toilet wash my hands and then splash my face with water to help me wake up a bit. I trudge out of the bathroom and back into my room finished in the bathroom because I have no need for makeup like the other girls at school who coat themselves in it. I get changed from my warm pyjamas and into my washed out blue jeans and a normal top from cotton-on, I throw my GAP jumper over the top of that and head downstairs for breakfast. 

I grab a bowl, banana and the weet-bix out of the pantry and slice my banana on top of my weetbix in the bowl and pour milk on top and start eating as I lean on the kitchen counter. I hear a patter of footsteps coming down the stairs and I know it must be my dog Squiggles. I put down my cereal bowl and greet my golden lab Squiggles, she barks once and then heads over to her food bowl and starts wolfing down her breakfast. I finish my breakfast and put the bowl in the dishwasher. I grab some lunch money and my bag and go upstairs to put my laptop and history notes in it. 

As I'm walking out the front door I grab my house keys and place them in my bag as well. After shutting the front door behind me I head to the garage and am greeted by my uncle John (I know John is my dad but my parents adopted me from an orphanage when I was younger and I wanted to call John, Uncle John instead of Dad) in his car waiting to leave. I hop into the passenger's seat "Hi Uncle John" "Good Morning Islay, excited for tomorrow" "Yes it's finally my 16th birthday, I'm so excited" "that's good, well we should probably get you to school before you are late" He pulls out of our garage and start driving on the road, we live in a house in the suburbs of Florida. We live in a quieter and smaller part but it's really nice and most of my friends live pretty near here as well. 

Uncle John pulls up into our pretty massive school called Westford High. I hop out of the car "Thanks for the ride Uncle John, I'll see you at home tonight" "Ok cool see you have a good day at school" "will do bye" and with that, I walk up into school and to my locker. I put in my locker code '424' and put my history notes in my locker and take some of my science notes out. I then head to my first-period class 'Geography' and sit down with my best friend Thomas who seems to be the only one of my friends here yet. 

"Hey Tom" I say as I sit down next to him "Hey Leia" (that nickname came along because my name has a silent y on the end so my friends called my Ilay and then it turned into Leia, as in Princess Leia because I love star wars)"Have you done your geography homework?" I ask him "Yeah I did, I'm guessing you did as well" "yep" My other best friend Emma walks in at this moment and yells "HEY LEIA, HEY TOMTOM, HOWS YA FRIYAY GOING" "haha good Emma now sit down" Tom replies. Oh how I love my embarrassing friend, she is so great. "Emms how was that party you went to last night?" "It was so good Leia, you should have been there," I notice the teacher walk in and the rest of the class fill up. The teacher starts taking the roll. "Islay Silverman" she asks "here" I state from my desk and then I sit there waiting for the bell for next period to ring.

The bell for last period rings, Finally I thought I was going to die of boredom in there. I walk to my locker to put away my English notes from the English class I just had and then I go outside and wait by Emma's car. 1 minute later Emma's bubbly self-walks out of the school entrance and as she sees me she runs to her car "OMG are you excited for tonight" "yes, sleepover" "Come on girl we gotta go to my house and have fun" "Lets go then girl". 

We arrive at Emma's house and head to her room. "I can't believe your parents let you stay here on your birthday night" She tells me "I know right, I would've thought they would want me home" "Yeah but oh well more fun for us" Emma boasts to no one "We should do a makeover session" She says excitedly "Ok but I don't want that much makeup on me" "But girl you are so Fudging gorgeous, basically every boy is asking you out" she tells me "No they don't your just over exaggerating" "Okay whatever you say but ask Tom, he knows I'm right" I give her an annoyed look and sigh "fine you can, but I get to do you as well" Ekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk she squeals "thank you so much" "that's ok, lets start" "ok let me just get the makeup stuff I wanna do" Emma walks over to her drawers and opens the top drawer which is FULL of makeup. While Emma's doing my makeup I text Tom

Me: Hey Tom, Emma's doing my makeup. It's torture

Tom: Poor you, Youll be fine

Me: Guess what tomorrow is

Me: Guess

Tom: Is it Saturday

Me: No guess again

Tom: Is it your Birthday little Leia

Me: Ding Ding correct

Tom: U excited?

Me: Hell yes boi

Tom: Haha that's good

Tom: Got to go but I'll see you tomorrow

Me: K Bye

"You texting Tom Leia?" "Yeah I am, just telling him about how I'm being tortured" "Haha I'm not torturing you" She passes me in a playful tone "Hey Leia, you know what we should do tonight?" "No Ems, what?" "well we could read about" "we could look at pictures of Greek Gods" "That's not reading Ems" "No it's not, but I have a book on Greek Gods mum got me and in the back is a whole bunch of photos of hot greek gods" "Are they actual pictures or drawings" "Well they are realistic drawings" "Ok, anyway are you almost done?" I question "actually I just finished" I stand up and look in the mirror "Wow Ems, you did such a good job" "why, thank you Islay" "well now its time to do you," I say with mischief.

After I finish Ems makeup which was pretty well done if I may say so myself. We put on some face masks and sit down on Ems bed and she goes and finds her book on Greek gods. She comes back in with the book and sets it down on the bed "okay I think we should just skip to the pictures" "okay" I reply rolling my eyes "OMG look at this one" "What's his name" "It's Apollo" "Hey i've heard of him before" I tell her "Yeah I wish I could meet him" "Okay next one" I tell her "We flip the page "Omg that ones cute" Ems rants to me "Ohh he is the god of light" I point to the one Ems is talking about "It says his name is Maximus" That name sounds familiar, oh well "Come on next page Ems" "Okay Okay" she all but whines. She flips the page and stares at the next one "This one looks kinda familiar, don't you think Leia" "Yeah he does" "what's his name" "It's James God of Fire" "Cool" "Haha okay Ems I think it's time to put the book away, and wash off our face masks" "Yeah yeah okay" She puts the book away and we head to the bathroom to take our face masks off

After we eat dinner and brush our teeth we head back upstairs to Emma's room. We go to her double bed and both get changed into some pyjamas. We both hop into opposite sides. " goodnight Ems" "Goodnight Islay" I fall to sleep with a smile on my face. 

Word Count: 1470

Hey, Guys I really hope you enjoyed this first chapter and carry on reading the second one when it comes out. I will be posting once a week every Sunday. Do you think the music suits this chapter? I was unsure if I should put one in but I was listening to this song and it gave me some inspiration and a good beat to go along with.

Until next time, Byee!!!!!!!!!!


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