Chapter Two: Birthday Surprise?!

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This is the second chapter I hope you like it. Thanks for reading my book, I hope you share it with your friends and it would be cool if you could vote for it. Enjoy!!

This chapter is dedicated to @benjaminRivers2115 for the awesome new cover

Song: Fast Car

Islay's POV

"Islay... it's your birthday" "wake up" I feel a pillow lightly hitting the side of my body. I grunt and start opening my eyes, then I realise. It's my Birthday. I sit bolt upright very quickly making Emma who was next to me scream "Shit don't do that Islay" she shouts "Calm down Emma, Its my birthday" "I know that's why I was trying to wake you up" "Oh sorry for screaming" "It's all good Emma, What's the time" "It's 9:30 am and your parents are downstairs with mine and all your presents" "Yay, I'm so excited" "I know right. Tommy is here as well so get dressed so we can go open your prezzies" "Okay give me a minute" 

I get out of the bed and see Emma fully dressed walking across the room. She turns around and gives me a hurry-up look "Ok Ok I'm getting changed" I say to her in an annoyed tone but she just smiles because she knows I'm not actually annoyed.

I walk downstairs and am greeted by my Emma's Mum hugging me and saying happy birthday. "Happy birthday sweetie" Emma's mum congratulates me, "thanks, Anna" "Happy Birthday Leia" I turn around to see Tom "Thanks, Tommy" I smile giving him a hug. I then hear a knock at the door and Emma's Dad opens it and income my parents. 

"Welcome Mr and Mrs Dorman" (my adoptive parents decided to keep my original last name my normal parents gave me) Emma's mum greets my parents. My parents wish me a happy birthday. I turn to Emma's parents "Thank you guys for having me over and letting me have my birthday morning here" I say to her parents "That's alright dear, now let's open some presents"

After I had opened all my presents which included some clothes, two vouchers, some bath and body works, some makeup and a mysterious charm necklace. I turned to My parents and thanked them for my gifts. Then I thanked Tom, Emma and her parents. "So who was the necklace from?" I ask "dunno did the present say who it was from on it?" Emma asks "No, it didn't," I say "was it from you guys?" I question my parents. "No it wasn't, it turned up in our letterbox last night," Mum tells me "Oh ok," I say in a confused voice "Do you know who got it for me then," I ask them. Uncle John hesitates before saying "No but we think it is from one of our old friends" He says looking over at Tom. I look over to Tom suspiciously but his facial expression reveals nothing. 

I pick it up off the floor next to me and inspect it properly, not like I had before. I notice that in the middle there is a single water drop hanging off a very shiny and expensive looking silver chain. The water droplet looks like it is made of something like diamonds and has no seams where it could have been put together. The clasp on the end of the chain is a bit of flat silver and then a clasp to connect it to the other end. On the flat piece of silver is a small engraving. Engraved on it was 'Forever Protect'. "Well, whoever got it for me spent a lot of money" I state "I look up to Tom and see he is smiling at me and the necklace "Put it on Leia," Tom says "Okay" I reply to him and clasp it around my neck. 

When the water droplet touches my skin I feel small tingles spreading through my body and I also feel a new sense of power. I shrug it off "Thanks again for all the presents everyone" I say "Ok Islay, let's get ready to go out for the day" Emma tells me "Huh" I say back "Your parents allowed me to take you for a day out, but you have to be back at your house by 3 O'clock" She states "Oh ok, thanks, guys" I say turning to my parents. "Yep we will take all your presents home now and you meet us back at home when you're done," Mum says to me "Okay thanks," I say to mum and both my parents wrapped me in a hug filled with sadness and goodbye. That's really strange, why would it be goodbye. I shrug it off and decide to bring it up later.

We are now in Emma's car after a day of shopping and hanging out. At the start of our trip Tom came with us but halfway through he said he had to leave and do some important stuff. He gave me and Emma both a hug and said he will see us soon. "So should I just drop you straight home?" Emma asks me "yeah I guess so" I look down at my watch and see it is 2:38 "It's 2:38 at the moment so it would probably be best because there isn't much we can do at your house before 3:00," I say to Emma. "Ok cool, we should be at your house in 5ish minutes.

We talk the rest of the way until Emma pulls up at my house. "Thanks for the ride Ems" I thank her "That's alright Leia, I'll see you on Monday right?" She asks me "Yep, bye" "Bye" she replies back to me as I hop out of her car. I notice that mums car is in the driveway meaning she is home so I knock on the door. She doesn't answer so I knock a second time, I stand to wait thinking about why she wouldn't answer. I knock a third time and decide that I will have to go around the back because I left my keys in my bag that Mum and Uncle John took home with them. After mum doesn't answer the door for the third time I walk round to the side of the house and climb over the tall fence we have. Remembering when Tom taught me how to climb over that fence when I was little. After I'm on the other side of the fence I walk around to the back of the house searching for any open windows. 

The only window open is my bedroom window which is 1 story above me. I see the tree that has been outside my window for so long now and decides I could probably give it a try. I and Emma used to climb it when we were little so why not give it a go. I walk over to the base of the tree and start climbing. Once I'm halfway up the tree I can see my window and then I realise I'm gonna have to jump from the tree to the window. I get to the edge of the tree I'm gonna have to jump from. It's about a 1 metre and half jump. "Come on Islay you can do this" I whispered to myself. I take some deep breaths and force myself to jump... I land in my room and I'm met with silence. I silently close the window and stand still, listening to any noise coming from downstairs.

I hear the creak of the stairs and that is when I start getting really scared. That was the creak of the bottom step when you step on it. I was panicking now, someone was in the house and it obviously wasn't my parents. I was listening very hard now and there was no noise once again. I quietly walked over to my bedside table and got my nerf gun out of the drawer. It was the only weapon I could think of. As long as I shoot it close range it should do some damage, and especially to some vital places may I add. I stand poised on my bed with my nerf gun pointed at the door. I hear another creak meaning that whoever it is, is at the top of the stairs. 

I am so scared I am almost shaking. 'Come on Islay, don't be scared you can do this' I chant to myself in my mind. "Come out Islay, I won't hurt you, I'm not an enemy," A masculine voice says from right outside my door. The voice sounds familiar but isn't one I can think of. "Islay I'm going to count to 10 and if you aren't out I'm going to have to come in" shoot I think to myself. What am I supposed to do? The voice doesn't sound like he can hurt me but I don't want to. What if he is a murderer. I start to hear him counting "7" "6" "Come on Islay don't be difficult," he says to me. "5" What do I do. I can't jump back onto the tree I keep thinking of ways to escape this situation but none are working. "4" "3" "2" I have decided my decision "Islay," The voice says in a warning tone. Well here goes nothing... "1"

Word Count: 1529

Thank you guys for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it and carry on reading when I next update. The next update will be next Sunday. Thank you for reading!! Bye


The Greatest Godजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें