Chapter Five: Training

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Song: FRIENDS - R3hab Remix

Islay's POV

Arriving in the training room I am in shock, it is SO big. I look around the massive room, half of it is undercover while the other half appears to be outdoors. There are things that look to be weapons all over the wall, except if they are weapons then they definitely aren't from earth. Looking further into the room I notice the between the outdoor area and the indoor area there is a glass barrier that splits them off. I turn to Max "why is there a barrier between the outside and inside?" He smiles and replies "so that when we are training with our powers we don't hit something inside if we miss the target" 

"oh ok that makes sense I guess" "yeah" taking another look around I then decide that I am ready to do this, I want to use my powers "can we start?" I ask Max eagerly. "yes let's get into it" he starts walking over towards the wall of weapons "these are the things we like to call projectors, they are kind of like weapon because you can use it modify or project your powers to use them as more of a weapon" "ok that makes sense" I tell him "good, so for today we are just going to practice the basic and then we might use a projector depending on how you are going" "cool that sounds good" I tell him, just wanting to start "good, let's go"

*time skip till the end of training*

"ok we are done" Max finally says to me "yay finally, I was starting to think you were purposely making it that long to annoy me" I say with a bit of a laugh "and why would I ever do that" Max replies in a sweet sarcastic tone making me crack up laughing. "do you need help getting back to your room or do you need me to take you?" Max asks me "Nah, I reckon I will be fine on my own," I tell him "okay cool if you get lost just call me through our bond link" referring to that cool thing where we can talk to each other in our minds. "haha, will do" I tell him and then exit through the training room doors. 

'That was a good training session, don't you think' almost jumping at the sound of someone's voice in my head, I recover quickly and then realise its Isabelle 'haha yeah, thanks for all the help last night, it definitely helped me' 'that is fine, I am happy to help, you are me anyways so its just a benefit to us' laughing at her explanation I think of a new thing 'hey Isabelle, do you know where Thomas is' really wanting to know where my friend is 'no sorry but I'm sure if you look you will find him' 'ok cool, thanks' I tell her as I arrive outside my room. entering my room I decided that I should probably shower, thinking of a nice shower another room appears across my room. Heading to it I open the door and there is my bathroom.

After showering and getting dressed I head out of my bathroom and sit down on the couch the appeared up next to me. 'Hey max, are you there' I say through our link 'yeah what do you need?' he replies back almost instantly. 'um, I was wondering if you knew where Thomas was?' I ask him 'yeah I do, I can come to get you from your room and show you to him if you want to' 'yes that would be great' 'cool I will be there soon' he says and stops talking through the link. 

Not even a minute later I hear a knock at my door. I head over to the door and open it "hey Max" I say as I open the door, I look up and realise that it's not Max at my door but its Tom "oh my god Tom" I say as I give him a hug "it's so good to see a familiar face" I tell him "it's good to see you too Islay" he replied giving me a smile. I invite him in and we go over and sit on my couch "so how have you been taking things?" he asks me "pretty good I reckon. I understand quite a lot of things now and it isn't as confusing as before, I am just really sad that I had to leave Emma" I tell him feeling sad now "hey it's ok, maybe we can go visit her if you want" he tells me pulling me into a hug. "Really! can we do that?" I ask starting to get excited "yeah we can go right now if you want to" "Yay, let's go then." I say standing up and then dragging him off the couch.

Tom lead me out of my room and we walked down several corridors before entering the main room that I arrived in with Max yesterday. He walks over to a small statue, quite like the one that was in my garden. He touches it and once again the same sort of thing happened as yesterday. My necklace started glowing and then suddenly we were in an alley somewhere. "are we on earth?" I ask him "yes, we are about 3 blocks away from the centre of town" he replies to me "so how did you teleport us here?" I ask wanting to know so that I can do it myself "well you have to know what the portals look like, they are normally things like small statues, and when you touch them think of where you want to go and it will teleport you to the nearest statue" he explains to me like it was nothing "oh I see" 

"ok, I have just texted Emma asking if she can meet up with us at Mama's cafe" he tells me "yay, I love that place" I exclaim excitedly. We start walking out of the alley and towards town. "Islay, when Emma asks where you have been, tell her you were working out details for your exchange programme," he tells me "that was your cover story we made up and what your parents are telling people, so make sure you stick to it" he adds "oh ok, where I am supposedly exchanging to?" I wonder deciding I should probably know that "well we decided France since that was the language you took in school" "ok cool" I reply. We then fall into a comfortable silence as we walk further into town and towards Mama's cafe.

*time skip to when they meet Emma*

We enter the cafe and I start looking around to see if I can see Emma. Sure enough, I see her sitting at the table we usually sit at so I point her out to Tom and head over there. When she sees us she smiles and gets up to give us hugs as she always does. "Hey Emma," I say in an excited tone "Hey Islay, I feel like its been ages," she says laughing. she then moves onto hugging Tom and then we all sit down. "So where have you been Islay? you didn't reply to any of my text messages" "I know I'm sorry, I just got caught up with all the birthday stuff, and then my parents surprised me by telling me I am going on an exchange to France" I explain to her.

"Oh my god. Really, how long for" she says as she starts to get excited for me "I think I'm going for 1 year but I will need to check" I say to her, happy that she has forgotten about me not replying to her texts. "that's so cool, but I am going to miss you so much" she says with a frown. I lean over and hug her "it's ok, ill be back before you know it," I say reassuring her. "ok then," she says "let's eat," Tom says breaking up our little moment. I mean I had forgotten he was even there.

After eating and paying at the cafe we all say our goodbyes and Emma goes one way whilst Tom and I head the other way back to the portal. Once we reach the portal I ask Tom if I can teleport us back instead and he agrees. I touch the portal and focus on the room where I first arrived in yesterday. And sure enough within a blink of an eye, we appear there. I let go of the portal that I was holding and I feel a bit dizzy. "woah" I say and hold onto Tom for support. He laughs "yeah that usually happens for people who have never done that before. But good job though" he says still laughing at me. " yeah, thanks for the warning," I say starting to laugh as well. 

I am now sitting in my room. It was after dinner and I was getting ready to go to bed. I felt better after getting to see Emma and getting to say a proper goodbye. I smile to myself as I get into my bed. I start thinking of what will happen tomorrow and what new powers I might discover.

Word Count: 1511

Hey guys. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. I wasn't sure if the song matched this one because the only really relevant word in Friends but oh well. Until next week


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