Chapter Six: It's a Ball

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Song: Fantasy Music Instrumental

Islay's POV

I wake up to hearing someone knocking on my door, frustrated that someone had come to wake me up I call out "yeah, I will be there in a second" to whoever was knocking at the door and then think up some clothes and as they appear I change into them. I open the door and see Max there waiting patiently. "Oh hey Max, what can I get you" he chuckles and replies "It's breakfast and Mum wants to talk to you about something so hurry along," he tells me motioning down the hallway. I follow after him and before I know it we have arrived in the dining room, I see my real mum and dad sitting down at the table already so I follow after Max and sit opposite him.

"Islay, so good of you to join us" Aphrodite my mum says to me smiling "yeah sorry I took so long, Max said that you needed to talk to me about something?" I ask her. "oh yes, well why don't you eat a bit first and then we can talk about it after breakfast" she suggests. I nod my head in response and then tuck into my breakfast. Once I finish I bring my knife and fork together on the plate, signalling that I am done, not too soon after my plate disappears off the table. I guess that's how it works around here. 

"Okay now that you are finished, I wanted to tell you about the ball that is being held tonight," she tells me and then continues "we are holding the ball in your honour so that you can meet everyone you never got to meet when we sent you away" she says sounding a bit sad at the end. I look over at Max who is smiling at me and respond to her "I think that's a great idea, where will the ball be" I end while looking at her, she smiles at me knowing that I have accepted the idea of the ball and says, "the ball will be held in the ballroom, which I can get Max to show you a bit later on. You will have to be ready by sundown because the ball starts the minute the sun goes behind our walls" she tells me "ok that sounds good" I then add "is everyone going?" I ask checking how many people there might actually be there "almost everyone we could think of" she replies happily "oh and you will be able to find a dress in your room, just think one up and voila" she states happily, making me chuckle "okay will do".

I look over at Max and see that he is finished with his breakfast as well 'Max are you ready to leave?' I ask through the bond link 'yes, are you?' 'yes, shall we go then' Max nods his head and we both stand up at the same time, probably looking quite creepy how we did that. We excuse ourselves from the table and then head over to the exit. "are you excited about the ball?" I ask Max "yeah I am" he replies simply "what do you think I should wear," I ask him "wear something light because I am wearing something light as well, and then we can be matchies," he says in a childish tone. I laugh then say while laughing "I would love to be matching" he then starts to laugh as well "ok well here is your room" he says "thank you kind sir" I say mimicking a British accent and popping into a curtsey. He laughs then says "you are very welcome your royal highness" also putting on a British accent. With us both laughing now, I open my door and say goodbye. He waves at me and starts walking away.

*time skip to sundown*

Looking outside the massive window in my room I see the sun just about to set behind the walls. I link Max and ask him if we can meet and head into the ball together. He agreed so now I am waiting for him to arrive so that we can go to the ball together. I hear a knock at my door and open it to see Max in a tux. "you look dashing, Max" "and you look beautiful, Islay" Max replies in a posh accent. We both have a laugh and then Max leads me towards the ballroom. "Ok Islay, there will be a lot of people there all wanting to meet you so just stay calm and don't freak," he says with an encouraging smile. "ok I will try not to" I say with a little chuckle. We then turn the corner leading to the hall with massive doors that are openly showing the ball that had just started, with many people gathering around the doors, Max and I go and join in the massive crowd.

After being at the ball for around 1 hour I finally see the chance to sit down at one of the tables surrounding the edge of the massive ballroom. I take a seat and look around at everyone mingling and talking to one another. No one has started dancing yet, so I am guessing they save that for later into the night. I drift out of my thoughts when I feel someone sit down at the table with me, I turn around to see them and see it was someone from the day I first arrived here in the god realm. "Hi Islay, I am Jack Frost," he says with a big friendly smile "hello, it's great to meet you" I say, sending a smile back to him. We sit in silence for a bit before he says "did you know that we are actually quite alike in our specialities" he says in a knowing tone. "ahh, I see, is that because you are ice and I am water, so we are basically like the same?" I ask him "yes, that is the reason why we are so alike" I nod my head " do you know about the prophecy that was made about you?" he questions me "no I don't, would you like to tell me about it?" I question back "unfortunately I can't because you can't repeat prophecies out loud, you can only hear them" He tells me sounding sad. "oh well, I can figure out tomorrow" I tell him "yeah" We then sit in silence again.

Not too shortly afterwards, my mum and dad head into the centre of the room and start the dancing. 'Islay where are you, we should take the second dance' I hear Max say through the link 'I am sitting at one of the tables around the edge of the room, by the food table' I say back and sure enough he appears in front of me. "may I have this dance?" Max says putting on another one of his silly accents "of course you can kind sir" I laugh while mimicking him. "I have to warn you though, I am a terrible dancer" "No your not. Don't worry about it and you will be fine" He tells me in a reassuring tone. Feeling better he then leads me onto the dance floor and we start dancing together. "Hey Max" "yes Islay" "Do you know about the prophecy about me?" I ask him in a curious voice "yeah I do, why?" "because I was wondering if I could hear it so I know what it is about," I tell him "Yeah, I guess you can. I can show you tomorrow if you would like" "Yes that would be great if you could" He smiles at me and nods his head in agreement. I look around and see more people starting to dance, but the vast majority are looking over at Max and I. "are all those people staring at me?" I ask, starting to get nervous from all the attention "yes they are Islay, they are fascinated by you because half of them haven't met you yet" He smiles at me "ok, I see"

After the song that we were dancing to finished my Dad came over and started to dance with me. Then my mum danced with me. After my mum had finished dancing with me, Tom came over for a dance. After I danced with Tom I needed a small rest so he leads me to one of the side tables and we sat down. "you're doing great Islay" He says smiling at me "aw, Thanks Tommy" I say laughing. After resting for a bit Jack comes over and asks for a dance, I dance with him for the duration of one the songs and we talked about a thing we could do with our, well mainly his powers. I learnt that I would probably be able to make weapons out of the water like how Jack makes them out of ice. After the song ends, Max asks me for another dance. I dance with Max for a while and then he asks me if I have had enough and want to go to bed. "Yeah, that would probably be best" I tell him, so after the dance finishes he takes me back up to my room. "Thanks for looking out for me tonight Max" I say smiling "anytime sis" he says back to me "well goodnight then" He says as he shuts my door "see you in the morning" I say rushed because the door was only just open before it shut. Oh well.

I then get ready for bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

Word Count: 1609

Next update will be next Sunday


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