Chapter Eight: Reality

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Song: White Lines

Max's POV

I walk down the halls leading to Islay's room to pick her up for breakfast. I told Mum and Dad about how Islay wanted to know about the prophecy and they said they would bring it up over breakfast. Reaching Islay's room I knock on the door and sure enough about 10 seconds later the door opens. Islay looks ready for the day "Hey Max, can we do some training today" she asks me eagerly, surprised that she wants to train I happily agree "sure, after breakfast though ok" she nods in reply and we head to the dining room. During breakfast, mum asks Islay about the prophecy and if she wanted to read it. Islay said yes so we decided we would go to prophecy room after dinner so that Islay could read it. After Breakfast Islay went back to her room to prepare for training and we agreed to meet in the training room in 20 minutes.

*time skip to after training*

Islay's POV

"ok bye Max, see you at dinner," I say loudly as I exit the training room. But instead of heading to the palace, I head to the water pools. Ever since my dream last night I have had an urge to go there and see if it is actually there. It was almost like torture having to sit through breakfast and then training, I mean I could have gone straight to the pools but I didn't want to be gone all day in case that looked suspicious. I enter through a big archway that seems to go into the gardens or something, I look around and can only see big majestic trees for miles. Looking around I notice a sign, on it was directions to the lily garden, the sprite garden, the magic pond and lastly the mystic water pools. I read for the direction the mystic water pools are in and once I find it I head in that direction. After about 5 minutes of walking, I can start to hear the rushing of water. Picking up my pace the water pools come into my vision, just like in my dream I was standing above the waterfall and the water pool which was down below me. I could see a path down to the side which would take me down to the water pools, but I wanted to jump. Taking a run up, I run and then jump off the edge of the cliff and start falling towards the water.

Once again I don't feel scared, I feel coll and calm, I feel free. Landing in the water the safe feeling instantly comes back to me and I allow myself to start breathing in the water like it was air. Breathing normally again I swim down more and then the droplet rock catches my eye, swimming down and then touching it the light along the ground lights up and starts taking me to the cave. I swim into the cave and like in my dream I am dropped down onto the cave floor, I look around again but this time it feels different because I am not in a dream this time.

I walk around the cave as I remember doing in my dream and look at the spot where I saw Isabelle in person. I continue walking around more until I have made a circle around the cave. I then start inspecting the walls. The grooves and the colours on the walls that look too made ages ago. I can see what looks to be Olympus and I can also waves and big bodies of water. The carvings on the wall look as if they are actually moving back and forth like the actual ocean. 

In a trance-like state, I trace the carvings with my fingers as I go around the cave and notice a small girl and boy standing hands joined above what looks like a carving of Olympus. Above the girl is a water drop and above the boy a sun, I realise that the carving represents Max and I. Deciding I have looked around enough I look up the invisible barrier keeping the water out of the cave and start to wonder how I am going to get out. 'Isabelle, how do I get out of this cave?' 'just simply place your hand flat against the water and think about where you want to go' she instructs. 

Placing my hand on the water barrier I close my eyes and think of the top of the cliff before I jump off and the view I get when standing over. Feeling a change in the air I open my eyes to see myself at the top of the cliff. Now, that's cool!

*time skip to after dinner*

I excuse myself from the dinner table and get up to leave but before I can fully stand up Hermes speaks "Islay we actually wanted to talk to you about something" Turning to face him "okay cool, what about?" "Well you see we needed to talk to you about the prophecy and what is going to happen" Aphrodite adds into the conversation "Okay" Hermes, Aphrodite and Max then stand up from the table and walk into another room with me following behind them. They lead me through several doors and hallways before we end up in a completely different part of the house. Hermes who I guess I should call my dad leads us into a big room through double doors and we walk in and he closes them behind us. I am then thrown into darkness, "are there any lights in here?" I asked finding it hard to see. Sudden;y my necklace starts to glow followed by Max's and then I guess what I should call my parents. All of the necklaces are giving off enough light for me to see and then we start walking further into the darkness.

"This is what we call the prophecy room" Hermes announces "The only people who can read the prophecies are the people who it is about. We finally stop after not too much walking and I see a long wall at the end of the room where we are with thousands of what looks like scrolls. He plucks one out from the wall and then leads us to a big table.

"This is your prophecy Islay, we have all read it but you are still to read it so far" he explains to me. Unrolling the scroll on the table I am then able to see tons of tiny moving pictures. "The pictures tell the story but for your sake, I can just explain it to you," Max tells me cheekily. "Okay start reading then" I throw cheekily back to him.

"It starts with when you were born" he says pointing to the first picture on the scroll "it was a happy day until Izzia figured out and wasn't happy" pointing to a picture that held rage and fury "the prophecy had been made before we were born but Izzia didn't believe in it" "He was mad and angry that we had been born, especially because he knew you had to the power to one day destroy him" "Our parents had to make sure you were safe but placing you in the earth realm so you could be undetected by immortals and gods like us" "and then you returned on your 18th birthday"

Word Count: 1246

Hey, guys thank you for reading this chapter!! I am writing two more chapters before I decide if I am carrying on writing so let me know if you actually want me to carry on.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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