Chapter Three: Reunion?

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Thank you to everyone who is carrying on reading this book, it means a lot. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Song: We are family

Islay's POV

Well here goes nothing... "1" everything is silent for a second. Has the man backed away? I'm standing here thinking of all the possibilities that might have happened. Then BOOM the door is broken down and in steps a tall, strong guy with brown hair. "Okay Islay are you going to willingly come with me or will I have to grab you?" he questions. I look at his face and can't help but see familiarity like I've seen him before. "What's your name?" I say, finally speak to him. "Oh, so you do talk, Islay" "Yes I do, now what's your name?" "My name is Maximus but you can call me Max," He tells me "Okay but how do you know my name?" I say to him trying to sound confident "I'll save that for later, so are you coming with me or not?" "I'm staying here" I say in a strong tone "That's where you're wrong sorry" He replies sassily, like who does he think he is "We don't have much time Islay, come on we are going" "No I'm staying" That was when I realise I had made a mistake "guess we have to do this the hard way" he says advancing towards me. 

I shoot him in the head with a nerf bullet but he doesn't even react. It's like it never hit him. He grabs my shoulder and and try to get out of his hold but he is way too strong. "Please just leave me alone" I try to plead realising I should've not come in the house because I would've gotten kidnapped. "Sorry Islay no can do," He says as he hauls me across my room and backs out the broken door into the hallway. We pass by a mirror before we go down the stairs and that is when I realise something. We look so much alike. He must of noticed I have stopped struggling and trying to work something out because he stops walking too. 

"Is there something wrong?" he asks me "Yeah can you walk back to the mirror for a second," I ask him confusion flooding my voice "Umm sure" he says walking back over till we are both in front of the mirror. I look at him then at me and notice our similarities. We have the same eyebrow shape, eye colour, nose shape, same coloured hair, are the same type of build except he is taller than me. I also notice we have the same type of cheekbone. "Why do we look so much alike?" I ask him "Um I dunno" he says quickly and I can already tell he is lying "are you sure?" I question him again trying to figure out answers "Yeah I'm sure" he says just a bit quicker than usual. Most people wouldn't be able to notice but I certainly did just then. "Okay then" I say and I can still see his guilty expression on his face as he walks away from the mirror and back downstairs. 

Instead of heading to the front door he heads out the back door and into the garden. He heads to the centre of the garden where there is a small stone statue of a person holding lightning. I used to be very fascinated by it as a child but not so much anymore. I always asked my Parents why it was there and they always said it was there when they brought the house and they weren't allowed to move it. The man who is supposedly called Max stands next to and touches the tip of the lightning bolt. I shock runs through my body and my necklace starts to shine and float, I notice the man has a necklace identical to mine but with a bit of flame on it. His is producing more light than mine. I look down at my necklace and suddenly my surrounding have all changed. 

I am in a massive hall that looks a bit like a courtroom. I look around and notice I am standing next to an identical monument as the one in my garden and I am also standing next to Max who has no let go of my arm. Max nudges me forward and that is when I finally look up to see 6 other people in the room 'walk to your chair in the middle of the room' a voice in my head says to me. It sounded so much like Max's voice. I look around at him and he gives me a smile 'yes that was me, now go sit down' the voice in my head says again 'ok' I say back into my head thinking of sending it to Max. I look at him my eyes asking if it worked 'well done, now go sit down' I give him a nod and walk further into the room towards the chair I think is mine. 

I look at the 6 people again and notice that the 2 on the far side are my parents. I give them a questioning look and they just give me a small smile back. I look at the person next to them and see a man with snow white hair. Next to him is another man who looks familiar. As I get closer I realise it's Tom, now I am so confused. Next, to Tom, I see Max sitting down and they smile at each other. I then look at the last 2 people who are in front of everyone else. They are both people I have never seen before, one a man and one a woman. They both give me warm smiles and gesture for me to sit down in front of them.

'What the hell is going on here Max' I practically yell through my head while looking at him 'sorry I can't say just yet' he answers sounding truthfully apologetic. I look away from him and back at the two people in front of me. "Welcome home Islay," the man says to me. I don't reply all I can think is that this isn't my home. "Can I ask why I am here?" I said unsurely. "Yes you can" The man answers me. "16 years ago today you and your brother were born. 

You and your brother Max are twins when you were born the god of the wind Izzia my brother had started going evil because he wanted my crown. He found a phropacey saying that my first born child would kill him and make sure the right people stayed in line of the throne" I take in this information, realising that he is my father and Max must be my twin. What was he saying about the gods though? Is he implying that they are real? And he is the king which makes me the princess. "Because of that prophecy, Izzia swore that he would kill you so to protect you we hid you in the earth realm until you were the right age so he couldn't get you. 

Before you were put in the earth realm though Izzia tried to kill you but failed because I stopped him before he could do any big damage but I wasn't able to kill him. No one knows where he is now but I left him weak and unable to help himself and he hasn't made an appearance since. It is your destiny to kill him and you are now of the right age to be in the God realm" He tells me, I am so mad right now. I can just feel anger washing through me, why would they keep this from me. Who are the people I thought my parents were? I'm just so confused. "So let me get this straight," I say to him "My whole life I have been living with fake parents away from my real parents and my twin?" I say "Yes that is correct," The woman next to my father says to me "I am your Mother aphrodite and your father is Hermes and your twin brother is Max the god of light and you, Islay the god of water" she states. 

Wow, I'm a god. Is all that passes through my mind. This is too much for me to take in, I'm so confused. "Ok, so will I live here now?" "Yes you will" "And am I the god of Water?" "Yes you are, Max will help you take control of your powers, they haven't developed yet because you were in the Earth realm but I think you will find they will start coming very quickly now that you are in the God realm where you belong" "ok" I answer in a small voice. 

"So who are all the other people in this room?" I ask suddenly wanting to know more about this Realm "Well you already know the people who looked after you for 16 years, the one next to them is Jack Frost the god of ice and then we have James the god of Fire" she says looking at my best friend, "James was sent to look after you in the earth realm Islay, did he do his job?" "Um yes, he did" I reply wanting to ask Tom so many questions "and then we have Max god of light, Hermes and then me Aphrodite" "ok," I say still looking at Tom. Max looks at Tom and I confused because we are looking at each other "Can Max please show me to my room" I say wanting to go to sleep. "Sure this way," Max says as he stands up. He walks down to me and starts leading me away from My real parents and my fake parents. I know one thing, I am excited to meet my twin. 

Word Count: 1635

I decided to post this chapter early to get my book rolling more. Thanks again for reading this chapter. Hope you carry on reading the next one. Next update will be on Sunday.


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