Chapter Four: Isabelle

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Hey guys, hope you enjoy this chapter. Do any of you know a good website or app that I could make a good book cover on, if so please message me or comment, Enjoy

Song: Love myself

Islay's POV

He leads me to a door off the side of the big courtroom and into a long and big hallway. We walk down the long hall and take a couple of turns. In no time we have arrived at my room. "Thanks, Max" I say to him "That's ok Islay, I will swing by in the morning to pick you up so we can go get some breakfast and then maybe some training for you" "okay cool thanks" I reply to him and he leaves, walking back down the hallway again. I open the door to my room and I am met with nothing. Absolutely nothing. I walk into the room and close the door and then I notice in the centre of the room on the ground is a little water drop that has been engraved into the ground. 

I walk towards the centre of the room and as I get closer the water drop starts to glow. It gives off the same kind of light as my necklace. When I reach out to touch it glows even more. I reach my finger down to touch it as when I touch it a bed appears out of the corner of my eye. I stand up and walk over to the bed. It appears to be made out of water. I touch the bed but it is solid as if there is an invisible layer between myself and the water. I sit on the bed and it feels really comfy. I lay down on the bed and feel instantly warm, I decide to try to go to sleep and as soon as I close my eyes I feel myself falling into a sleepy oblivion.

I wake up and find myself in an empty room, turning around I see absolutely nothing. On the ground I see a water droplet engraved into the ground, I reach my finger down and touch it when I touch it a white noise appears in my ears and it overtakes my hearing. Looking around again and this time I see a figure, turning around fully I take in the figure as it looks at me. It is made of solid water "who are you" I ask faintly hearing my voice. "I am you" it simply replies "how can you be me?" I question the water figure "I am you just in water form, I am here to help you" It replies to me "help me with what?" I wonder. "Help you to use your powers Islay" she explains to me. "Okay, but why?" I asked wondering why she is telling me this. "Because you need a head start before you start training so people don't think you are weak" she explains to me. 

Realising she is trying to help me and that it would be good to start now I nod my head in agreement. "Okay then, let's start" a small smile forming on her watery figure. "First you will need to focus all your thoughts and energy on either what you are trying to draw water out of or what part of your body you want water to come out of" "for example, if I wanted to get water out of a river which drains less energy than you focus on the river and taking water out of it, but if you want water to come out of yourself which uses a lot of energy than you will need to focus on drawing it out of your centre" "does that make sense, I know its a lot to take in" processing all the information I nod my head "yes it does make sense, I will practice and hopefully get better before we start training" I say smiling. "Okay I have to go, my name is Isabelle your water figure, don't hesitate to call me if your stuck" "ok I won't" "thank you" and with that she fades away. As she fades away I start feeling tired, i lay down on the ground and let myself fall into oblivion.

I jolt awake thinking about what had just happened. Was that true, thinking to myself that it had to be true, it was a dream but it felt so real. Isabelle said I could call her at any time, maybe i'll try. "Isabelle" I whisper into my empty room "Isabelle" I say again. 'Yes Islay what do you need' "AHH" I almost scream getting a fright, did that just come from my head, I think to myself. 'Yes it did' wow there it goes again. "Where are you?" I question 'im inside your head Islay, I am you, im your water figure Isabelle' "wow ok" "is there a way for me to talk to you without me saying it out loud" I say to what appears to be no one. 

'Just think what you want to say since I can hear your thoughts' 'like this?' I think into my mind with doubt 'yes exactly like that' 'wow ok that quite cool, will you always be in my mind?' 'yes always, i'm just a thought away' 'ok cool' 'you should practice using your powers' she tells me 'ok I will' 'wait whats the time, how long until breakfast' 'well judging by the time on the clock that just appeared I would say you have about 1 hour until someone will come to get you for breakfast' 'oh ok sweet' now thinking to myself about what she told me in my dream I realise I need some sort of target to aim the water at. Looking around a target appears on the other side of my room, I realise that this room must give me what I want because when I needed a bed it came, when I needed the time a clock popped and when I needed a target it appeared. Smiling at that fact I jump out of bed and walk across to the target and start.

*Time skip 50 minutes*

Sitting down on my bed I think about what I had just done. After I had finally figured out how to get some water to come out of me, which took about 30 minutes it took 20 to get enough power to blast the target from one spot to the next. After I had done that I needed to sit down, it took so much energy out of me to just do that. At Least I could do it now 'good job just then Islay, that was great' 'thanks Isabelle' I looked across at the clock seeing that I now had 6 minutes until someone should come to get me for breakfast. Lying down I close my eyes, a smile creeps onto my face. I had just controlled water, it was such a good feeling to know I could do that. 

Hearing a knock on my door I think about the target disappearing so no one knew I was training and then open the door. "Hey Islay ready for breakfast?" Max asks me "yes let's go" I say giving him a smile. Leading me back through the corridors we went through yesterday, we go through two big double doors and are lead into a big room with a long table running through the middle. "Good morning Islay" My father Hermes says "good morning," I say smiling back at him. "Come sit down," he says and Max and I start walking over to the table from the door. Seated next to Hermes is my Mum, Aphrodite. They are sitting at the head of the table and it is only them, me and Max in the room. I sit down on the right of my mom "So Islay how was your sleep" my Mom asks me "good, the bed was really comfy" I smile towards her "that's good". 

Then out of thin air, our breakfast appears out of thin air. "Wow," I say in shock, looking over at Max I can see him smiling at me. "You can start eating now" Hermes, my real dad says. I dig into my pancakes that have appeared in front of me. They have lemon and sugar on them, which is my absolute favourite. I figure that the food must come like the things in my room do, think about it and they come. Breaking the silence Max speaks up "so Islay you think you're up for training today?" Max asks me "yeah it sounds fun" I reply starting to feel excited again "good, as soon as your finished we can go," he tells me. I nod my head in agreement and finish that last of my delicious pancakes. "Ok let's go"

Word count: 1439

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.  Next update will be next Sunday.


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