A mood (Johnlock)

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Summary: Sherlock is feeling a little more affectionate but him and John on a case.

They were on a case, nothing super serious or intense but obviously it was interesting enough for Sherlock to want to go. They were on their way to the crime scene when Sherlock started acting a bit off. He was sitting closer to John then usual, it's not like John minded he just hoped Sherlock wasn't in that mood again.

They have been dating for awhile now and sometimes Sherlock would get into a mood where he would be super affectionate and just kinda be all over John. Cuddling, kissing, nuzzling him, anything to be close to John. He only ever really got like this in the flat but now Sherlock was trying to hold John's hand. This time it was a little different because he was holding a little tighter and had intertwined their fingers and was smiling a little more with his head on John's shoulder.

When they were almost there John told Sherlock he can't do this at the scene of the crime because it was unprofessional and Sherlock just gave John a blank stare with a little smirk, John had a feeling Sherlock wasn't going to listen to him. When they got out Sherlock casually walked over to John with his hands behind his back and immediately clasped their hands together intertwining their fingers once again and a small smile spread across his face as while.

John would have pulled away if Sherlock's hands weren't so warm and the London air was so cold, it wasn't like it was freezing out it was just cooler then usual, but anyway. The crime, the body was in a smaller house on a quiet street, the victim was duck taped to a tall chair around his shoulders, wrists, ankles and, forehead. There was a hole in the side of the victim's neck around the center of it, they found the weapon in the lap of the body, it was a Phillips head screwdriver but, when they checked for fingerprints it was found to be the victim's prints. The hole was a little bigger than the screwdriver but Lestrade said the killer probably stretched the hole with the screwdriver so the guy would bleed out faster. As Lestrade was going over some things with Sherlock he had let go of John's hand and had wrapped his arms around his waist.

Lestrade was reading off important details from his small notepad "And none of the neighbours saw anyone enter or leave this place for a few days, not even the victim himself, also the man doesn't have a backdoor" John gave Greg a confused look, "What do you mean no back door, like he just has a hole in his wall?" Lestrade shook his head "He took out the door and sealed it up along with most of the windows" Sherlock hummed, he had placed himself completely behind John with his chin on the top of his head and his arms laid lazily over John's shoulders, his eyes were closed but opened when he heard "most." "What ones are open?" Sherlock asked keeping his position only looking up at Greg. He looked at Sherlock for a second before replying.

"Uh, the attic windows, a half sealed one in the bathroom, the one in the living room, and the bedroom ." Sherlock hummed and smiled as he kissed the back of John's head "The killer is still here" he whispered. 3 other people heard him and were staring "Where? How can you tell?" John asked, Sherlock, shrugged wrapping his arms tighter around John's neck, he was lying and John could know it. "But he's gonna leave through one of the windows soon" Sherlock paused for a second lifting his head. He hushed everyone and listened for a moment he then ran out the front door pushing off of John causing him to step forward a bit to steady himself. After quickly regaining balance John and Lestrade ran after Sherlock. They heard a thud and shuffling in the grass, "Bloody hell, get off me you crazy bastard!!!" Sherlock had pinned the guy in the grass.

"Good work," Lestrade said taking hold of the man's arms from Sherlock and cuffing the man "Yeah, good work," John said looking up at the window, Sherlock beamed with joy cuddling up to John. "Let's get going" Sherlock whispered into the top of John's head John nodded signing as a smile came to his face. So they went home to cuddle and drink some tea all night.
Thanks for reading my first Johnlock fanfic, I hope you liked! :)

Credit to "...Steve?" On Tumblr for the art above

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