~Wrong size~ {Switz}

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Already with these two but how can I not? This concept is quite common with this pair so I thought "why not?" Now I'm here! It's pretty short so enjoy!
Swagger had a habit of wearing and stealing his boyfriend's clothes. Whenever Fitz left a t-shirt or sweater with him he was more than happy to take it as his own. He'd casually walk around Misfits manner in a shirt that was basically a dress on him making the other boys snicker or make one-off comments they'd all laugh at. This habit of his caused Fitz one huge problem, he never had anything to wear.

One day he had spent the night at the Misfits house and after stretching and laying in bed for a bit he and Swags got up, the shorter instantly snagging Fitz's shirt from the floor and pulling it over his head. Fitz narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend and casually made his way or to the dresser opening Swaggers t-shirt drawer. "What are you doing?" Swagger asked after pulling on a pair of gym shorts.

Fitz pulled out one of the smaller looking t-shirts and with a bit of struggling slipped it on. It was stretched a little thin and it stoped halfway down his torso making it look almost like a crop top. Swagger stared for a moment then scolded at him, "Take that off! You're going to stretch it!" He shouted, Fitz just shook his head, "You keep stealing all my clothes so I get to steal some of yours."

Swagger eyed him, "There is no way you'll walk out like that," he tested. Fitz glared at Swagger, "Oh really?" He got a swift nod from the shorter man. Fitz looked ahead and briskly walked out the door and down the stairs in to the kitchen with a few of the other guys. Swagger came in a few moments after, smiling in disbelief.

The other boys noticed instantly and laughed and cracked jokes while Swagger continued to insist that Fitz take off the shirt before it's really ruined. Fitz gets his shirts back now.

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