Being bold has its perks (EddEddy)

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Summary: Eddy decides it's time to tell Ed how he feels in the most cliche 60s way possible.

Eddy wasn't one for big gestures, but this was different. It was 11 at night and for the life of him Eddy could not sleep, the simple answer as to why would be he's not tired or he's developing some sort of insomnia. "something Double D would say" Eddy thought "Crap!" The simpler answer would be he's caught up thinking about someone. "Who?" You ask, well that's not so simple, but the answer is Double D.

Eddy has had a thing for Double D for years but these past few months have been a little rough on the suppressed feelings. With the whole valentines catastrophe and far to much physical contact, not that Eddy was complaining, it just made it harder to ignore.

Eddy had had enough. He had planned how he was going to tell him for a while and thought "Why not tonight?!" If it didn't work out he could say it was a dream and move on with his life. Eddy quickly pulled on some pants, grabbed his record player and a special record he bought just for this occasion.

He snuck across the street and down to Double D's house by his bedroom window. It was probably around 11:30 by now and Eddy was having second thoughts. He was about to just forget about the whole thing when a squirrel jumped down onto Eddy's head making Eddy smash his face into the record player and turn it on somehow, playing 'Can't help falling in love By Elvis Presley'. "Why I oughta," Eddy mumbled while shaking his fist as the little critter scampered off.

Eddy was trying to turn the player off while he rubbed his now bruised eye when the lyrics started up and rang through the whole cul-de-sac, then he saw Double D's light flick on. In a panic, Eddy threw the box down only causing it to get louder "Hush up you stupid thing..!". Double D stood at his window slowly opening it, so Eddy gave in and decided to commit.

"Eddy? If this is some new way of you telling me you have a scheme, because if it is can it wait? I applaud your creativity but it's far too late in the night" Eddy stared at the sleepy Ed for a moment as he tried to find his words.

Eddy isn't a sap, but this was different.
He smiled and held the record player high above his head. "That's not it Double D, this is a confession!" He shouted over the loud music. "I already know about the fridge Eddy, Ed told me everything." Eddy shook his head and sighed "Not that kind of confession Sockhead, listen to the song! Jeez, for someone as clever as you I'd thought you'd catch on right away!"

Double D froze and turned red as he listened to the lyrics flow in and out of his ears "Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you~" "Eddy I don't..."

Eddy took another deep breath "Listen Double D, you don't have to say anything just listen. I know you might not feel the same but I dig you. I think you're really smart and even though I act like I hate it I love it when you correct me on anything. You make me want to be a better person Double D, you're really important and special to me and I don't know what I'd do without you. Gosh, look at me being all gross and sappy! You can just pretend this never happened if you want, say you got anneshia or something and save me the embarrassment." Eddy finished and there was a moment of silence with nothing but the music.

"It's amnesia Eddy" Edd made his way downstairs and outside to Eddy. He took the record player from his hands and flicked the off switch on the back. "And though this is completely out of character for you, the feeling is mutual." "Wha-" Double D took Eddy's hands and pulled him into a quick kiss. It was only a few seconds before they pulled away staring at each other. "Now come inside so I can patch up your eye while you tell me more about how smart I am" Edd chuckled pulling Eddy inside, both of them smiling happily.

Hello to the few people that read this, sorry I've gone for so long I broke my phone and lost everything I was working on and lost motivation. But then I watched Ed, Edd n Eddy and was blown away by how amazing it is for a 90s show and how amazingly gay it is for a 90s show, so now this story exists and I hope you enjoy. But other then that I probably won't post for another 6 months so hope you enjoy and see ya later pals :D
Note: it's a little out of character since I'm just starting out but I promise if I write more I'll get better, I tried my best and I think it's okay for the first one of them. That's it's. Enjoy!

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