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"We're here!" squealed Clarissa. Clarissa crouched on her knees, Harry following afterwards. Clarissa opened her cobalt purse which closely matched the bow on her head. In the plain, white walls of her place in the apartment, a tan, yellow cat with yellow-orange eyes which looked more orange than yellow padded over to the entry.

"Is THAT your cat?" Harry asked the yellow mope.

"Uh huh! Who else would it belong to?"

"Does it even have a name?"

The tan kitty mewed softly. "His name is Buttercream."

"Nice..." Harry complimented, even though he was being sarcastic.

"Now tell me, Buttercream, did Harry have any nightmares about the objects last night?"

"Clarissa! That stuff is PERSONAL!"

"Don't worry, Harry; we're keeping this a secret, remember?" Clarissa reminded the red mope. "Yeah, right." Harry scowled under his breath. I just hope she doesn't have any feelings for me...

"Er... Buttercream, does Harry have that toothbrush?"

Buttercream meowed firmly, though Harry couldn't understand if he said either 'yes' or 'no'. "Oh, so he DOES have the toothbrush! Harry, could you give it to me now?" Clarissa's eyes exclaimed with plead.

"Here you go." Harry lend his 'friend' the odd-looking toothbrush; it was a dark green with bristles that were barely even soft anymore due to use.

A bristling sound started playing as Harry started to worry.

"Please tell me this isn't another lesson..."

"SHH! There's other rooms with other people in this apartment! You can't let them know about the secret!"

A female voice sprung from the stringy mouth of the mysterious toothbrush. "Wake up in the morning; there's no rush! All you gotta do is brush, brush, brush!" 

"Not this again..."

"Once in the morning, another at night, brush, brush, brush to keep your teeth all white!"

"How do we know if we have any teeth?"

"Maybe I could just look underneath!"

The talking toothbrush lifted some red hairs off of where Harry's mouth should be to find some disgusting, bloody teeth who probably haven't been brushed in 5 years.

"Uh oh! Uh oh! Tooth alert! Tooth alert! You must! You must! Brush, brush, brush your teeth!"

"How about not shoving yourself in my face?"

"Brush, brush, brush to make the world a better place!"

A verse of silence came from the lyrics before Harry flamed back. "No."
















"Great." Harry face palmed, his red hand smearing against his yarn hairs. The toothbrush, who he was growing an immense hatred for, pulled out a tube of toothpaste and opened the cap, revealing a glimpse of bloody, mashed up muscles to look like the toothpaste.

"Spread this toothpaste on your brush! Please don't rush; just brush, brush, brush!"

"How about not? It looks so bad!"

"How about yes? It's fun; be glad!"

Buttercream padded closer to the small but horrifying little toothbrush. She examined the tan kitty, and after a little bit, the toothbrush decided to give Buttercream his own treatment as the cat's amber eyes grew larger, attempting to mew under the bubbling red foam.

"Silly little toothbrush; time's all up!"

"Not yet, Clarissa! We gotta clean up!"

Clarissa watched as the toothbrush magically dumped a bucket of warm water on Buttercream's sensitive pelt to wash off the foam from his mouth.

"I think you misunderstood, young one!"

"Don't fret, Clarissa! We're already done!"

Harry gave a sigh of relief. "Finally; it's over!"

The toothbrush gave a devious smile before replying. "I have an idea! Let's extend the fun! The brush, brush party has just begun!" She grabbed some mouthwash mixed with some harmful chemicals and splashed it against Harry and Clarissa's faces. What they didn't know was that little miss toothbrush had mixed the mouthwash with acid, inhalents and high amounts of lead.

"I feel high..."

"This is so much fun, Clarissa..."

"Why can't we all live forever..."

"You can..." The psycho toothbrush grinned with her pearly, white teeth, splashing another round of mouthwash on the two mopes. Buttercream, on the other hand, was scared to death about his owner and her ally being intoxicated, so in a flash he frantically opened the window on jumped onto a tree close to the power lines. Using his paws to guide his way through, he pounced from branch to branch until he spotted a black figure in a police officer's suit; this couldn't possibly be an imposter.

Or was it?

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