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"We're free!" Clarissa exclaimed, grabbing Harry by the scarf. "We're finally free!"

Harry almost broke into a cold sweat from how Clarissa was looking and talking to him. "Uh, yeah, is that a reason to be so close to me?"

Clarissa got a little silent, although she was mumbling to herself, and the only words Harry could make out were 'I think I love him'. Was this what Clarissa had on her mind all along? Was this the reason she took him to her apartment in the first place?

"Come on, guys." The little black lady interrupted the two mopes. We need to find somewhere to stay the night; it's getting late out here."

"I have an apartment which is only a mile away."

"Well, that's a good thing. Let's go, you two!"

"Oh no you're not." A grim voice suddenly called out from behind. To the threes' surprise, it was the black figure staring at them with an eerie look, holding Buttercream.

"Put him down!" Clarissa shouted furiously. "You shouldn't have done this is the first place!" As the yellow female's words shot out of her mouth, her fists clenched in rage, and her heart pounded like a big, hate drum.

"I agree with her." Harry yelled in response to the black figure, his pupils gleaming with hatred.

"Me too!" The black lady chimed in.

"You can't be more wrong that what you already are, idiots. I've been in the kidnapping business for years," The black figure then pointed at his 'girlfriend'. "and YOU, m'am, were supposed to be helping me, and you did NOTHING!"

The little black lady stared at the figure in pure shock. The man that she was lead to believe loved her was now going against for an entirely new purpose than the first. Harry knew something had to be done.

"Listen here, sir. YOU are the one who's being an idiot, because YOU are trying use a living person as your 'girlfriend' to prevent yourself from getting caught. This lady loved you with all her heart, but YOU took advantage of her emotions to the point where she doesn't even care for you anymore! THAT'S THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR ACTIONS!"

Clarissa held onto the red male's arm. "I'm scared to death of what's gonna happen next..."

"Listen here, you little brat, if you continue to blackmail me, I'LL KILL YOU!" In a flash, he raised a high powered rifle, about to shoot the little black lady.

The lady's eyes began to swell up with tears. "FINE! If you're gonna kill me, I'M LEAVING!"

"That's right," The figure encouraged, "run away and never come back."

As the little black lady ran off, Buttercream sensed her sadness and leaped out of the black figure's arms to find her.

"Buttercream, get back here!"

Once they found the lady, Buttercream was no where to be seen, but the little black lady was still visible in a deep hole that even she couldn't dig all by herself in a matter of seconds.

No! Please! Don't do this to me!

"What are you doing down there!? Get out!!" Clarissa shouted frantically.

"I can't." The lady replied, frowning in melancholy. "That awful, black figure killed my spirit, and now... I'm taking it with me."

"Where!?!?" Harry asked, tears running down his hair.

"You don't need to know. Goodbye, Harry." 

The lady raced down into the tunnel, leaving only a few scraps of her cobweb dress behind to mark her existence. "No! You can't leave us now! Me and Harry care for you fiercely."

No response came from that point on.

Oh, please no!

Harry felt as if he could just ball up all his feelings into a little rock that would rush down with the river. Now with this beautiful, kind lady gone, he had nothing left.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here..."

The Hug Toll (DHMIS Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now