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Hickey ~ dontspeakjustread

Blaine and Kurt had recently reached a new stage in their relationship. They were, well, let's just say they were enjoying each other's company... a lot.

And Blaine's most favourite thing to do was to show everyone that Kurt was his. It's just a shame that Kurt had enough scarves and concealer to cover any marks Blaine left.


"Why do you do that?" Blaine asked from his place on Kurt's bed, watching his boyfriend wrap a blue scarf around his neck.

"Do what?"

"Wear scarves."

Kurt turned to stare at him like he was crazy, "Did you seriously just ask why I wear scarves?"

"Yes, why do you?"

"Um, because it's cold. And this particular scarf just so happens to compliment my eyes perfectly."

"You and I both know that's not why you wear them."

Kurt rolled his eyes and turned back to his mirror, readjusting his scarf, "Why do you think I wear them?"

"I think you wear them to cover certain things on your neck."

"What sorts of things?" Kurt laughed.

"You know, Kurt."

"I'm not sure I d-"

Blaine jumped up and hooked his chin over Kurt's shoulder, staring at the boy through the mirror. Kurt quirked an eyebrow up as he stared back at his boyfriend.

Blaine wrapped one end of the scarf around his finger and pulled it off, whispering, "You don't need this."

Kurt rolled his eyes and shook his head in disbelief, "Fine, I'm sure no one will notice these. I don't know what your obsession with leaving hickies on me is, Blaine.

"I just want everyone to know that you're mine." Blaine smirked, Kurt nodding and biting his lip. He leaned forward to press a haste kiss to Blaine's lips before turning around and leading the way out of his house where they got into his car.


Kurt was right, for the most part no one noticed the two hickies on his neck. They'd gone most of the day without anyone noticing, but now it was Glee Club and the second they walked in the room, Mercedes had commented on them.

"Hey, Kurt, what's that on your neck?"

Kurt's eyes widened, his mouth opening and closing a couple times while he tried to think of the right thing to say, "I, uh, it was my curling iron."

"Your curling iron? You don't curl your hair." Quinn raised an eyebrow, "How stupid do you think we are?"

Santana laughed loudly when she saw Blaine's smirk as the boy watched his stuttering boyfriend.

Santana stood up off her seat, strutted towards Kurt and began observing the boy's neck, ignoring his obvious uncomfortableness, "Anderson got you good."

She glanced to Blaine who licked his lips and smiled smugly, leaning slightly closer to observe his work.

And suddenly most of the glee club were around Kurt, poking and prodding at his neck.

Kurt screamed and threw his hands in the air, pushing past his friends and pointing at Blaine, "This is why I've been wearing scarves for the past four weeks."

"This isn't the first time this has happened?" Santana raised an eyebrow.

"No! He makes a point of doing this, like, everyday." Kurt whined, slapping his boyfriend's chest when the boy began laughing.

"Wanky." Santana grinned, "Anderson's got a possessive streak. Love it."

"Kinky." Puck grinned, holding out a hand to high five Blaine, who gladly mirrored the action.

"Oh my god." Kurt groaned, "This isn't something to be proud of, Blaine."

"Why not? I'm proud of you and I'm proud of us and how far we've come. Why can't I show how proud I am of us?"

Tina cooed as Brittany leaned over to pat Kurt's head, "It's okay, when that old man broke into my house and slept in my bed with me, he left loads of red marks on my neck." She shrugged, "No one asked me about it the next day."

Kurt gaped at Brittany who whispered that it was nothing to worry about before turning around to wrap a strand of hair around her finger.

Blaine frowned at the girl before turning to Kurt and winking at the boy, Kurt deciding that he would get Blaine back at some point.

Aha this isn't late. What are you on about.

It's not like I wrote this in like 20 minutes whilst watching spongebob which might be the reason why it makes no sense and is probably the worst thing I've ever written.

Because I didn't do that.

Anyway, dontspeakjustread saved this chapter because I didn't have a word for H yesterday so, thank you very much and I apologise for this monstrosity.

Oh yeh and I still need a word for Q, O and K soooo, if you have any ideas, you know what to do ;)

26 Days of KlaineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora