Chapter 1

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You arrived at your school which was in fact one of the best school and it was Shujin Academy. It was a nice October day with the leaves turning another color and the air becoming cooler. Anyway you arrived in you first period class where you teacher Miss (x) took up homework nothing new same old same old. As you walked the halls of the school at the end of the day you saw volleyball try outs on every builtin bored. As you were exiting the school Mr. Kamoshida stood out side with more flyers and some of the girls and guys on last seasons team. He handed you a flyer and you took it but threw it away in the nearest trashcan away before your mother saw it. Just anther school day. The next day was the same so was the next and the next. Until near the end of the month where you saw a blue hair boy.

"Who is that?" you asked Ann who had been your best friend since middle school.

"That's Mishima. He is in my class good student. Why?" Ann asked back.

"No reason I just haven't ever seen him before. Anyway are you going to do volleyball?" You asked looking up at Ann. She was only taller then you with her ankle boots on by just a little bit. Ann nearly laughed at the silly question she told you no but Siho is. The two of you walked home together but soon parted ways. You got home where you found your older brother Jacob who was only older than you by one year playing a game.

"Hey are you going to try out for volleyball?" he asked pausing his game to get a snack.

"No, why would I? What are you going to try out?" you said.

"No, how about we make a deal I don't tell mom about the tryout if you do my homework." Jacob said smirking as if he came up with a brilliant plane.

"If you tell mom she makes us both go to tryout where you will most likely get on the team idiot." you said looking at him. He then went back to playing his game where on the other hand you went to your room like always. You took out your phone and saw that almost everything you went on was filled with the random breakdowns. Then you wen to bed from being really tired without even eating dinner. You woke up in the morning and by a blink of an eye it was May already and volleyball had started up again. Luckily you weren't in it and with what comes next you were lucky not to be in it. Ever since it started up Ann started acting weird along with Shiho. You saw Mishima with a giant bruise on his face that day after school. You having a tiny crush on him went up and talked to him.

"Hi." you said tapping him on the shoulder to which being unexpected he jumped.

"H-hi." He said turning around to look who tapped him.

"Are you Mishima?" you asked knowing it was silly question.

"Y-yes I'm Mishima why?" He asked with sorrowful eyes.

"I just um wanted to ask you what happened to your face it has a huge bruise on it." you said wondering what could have happened that made a huge bruise across his pale skin.

"I-it's nothing. So um whats your name? Mishima asked and by now most of the students were out of the halls.

"Oh sorry. My name is l/n f/n." you said.

"Oh I think I've read that name one the exam grade sheet you had one of the best scores." He said and then started walking to which you followed him. The two of you walked across the school and to the gym where you parted paths. Shortly after you got out of the school Ann called you.

"Where are you ?!" She sounded worried.

"Leaving the school. Why what happened are you fine?" You said a little bit more alarmed.

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