Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I do not own You lie in April

Now It was the next day and your mother already left for work. When you came down stairs you heard the grunting of characters. On the counter was a note from your mother you read it.

Be careful when meeting your friends and not to be out late. I'll be home a little later than usual dinner is in the fridge. ~Love Mom

You put the note back on the counter so your brother would could read it then you ate breakfast, took a shower, and got ready for the day. You began to walk go it was 11:30 and you got to the cafe where Mishima already was there sitting alone in the both. You walked over to him and sat in front of him.

"So how long have you been waiting?" you asked looking at him.

"I haven't been here that long. I just sat down." he said "Do you know when Shiho get here?" he asked. You shrugged your shoulders but knowing here most likely at 12:00. The two of you sat an waited yesterday when you were here you were crying into his chest while he told you what was going on. You never really thought that you would ever become friends with Yuuki Mishima that he was a just a person you would see in the hallway or at volleyball games. Shiho finally came a little bit late. She sat down next to you with dead eyes and a sorrowful face.

"We need to talk about somethings." (Cue hella sad music) you said looking at her already trying to hold back tears. "I waited for you after practice yesterday and to watch your practice outside the gym. I saw what happened to you Mishima and everyone else." your voice was shaking but you continued to talk "After practice I was in the front waiting for you and Mishima but he only came out you didn't." you could fell the tears roll down your face "Mishima told me what was going on during the practices. Why didn't you tell me?" you then had Niagara Falls coming down your face.

"He threatened us if we told anyone. I would have told really but I was scared to." Shiho said while taking a napkin and whipping away your tears. You looked at her read eyed and stopped crying but not for long you soon returned to crying. She took you and hugged you trying to calm you down. Soon you stopped crying but it was to late they had to go into the torture chamber at 1:30 to which you tried not to cry when they left. So instead you just walked with them to the school spending every last minute you had with them. Soon you get there and said your goodbyes then you walked home trying not to think what would happen to them. (You can stop the music if it's not already over if you want) When you got home your brother was now gone to so you decided to text him.

You: Where are you?

Jacob: I'm out with friends. Where are you.

You: I'm at home.

You then put your phone away and went to your room to try and not think about what would happen to your best friend and the guy you liked. You really thought about why you even liked Mishima. "Why do you like him again?" your smarter side asked.

"Well because he's hella adorable and cute, smart, kind, caring, kind, and I mean who cant resist that hair?" your emotional self said. Then you started to fall asleep in your room. When you woke up it was 4:00 and your brother was back. You knew he was home when you heard the front slam shut followed by a loud grunt. You walked down the stairs and saw him crying. Before you could even say anything he ran upstairs to your room slamming the door shut. "I wonder what happened to him?" you thought. Soon the day was over and you went back to sleep, but before you did Mishima texted you about wanting to see you tomorrow but you really didn't read it because your eyes became heavy so you just typed yes and passed out in the darkness of your room.

Hope you enjoyed chapter two of the book. Tell me what you think in the comments below. :)

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