Chapter 1

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Have you ever had something happen to you that felt like the worst possible thing in the world? Have you ever tried to fix it in some way but the solution ended up being worse then the problem? Well, that's what life was like for me during my senior year at World Academy. Oh! I should probably introduce myself, huh? My name is Eduard. Eduard Von Bock. And this is the story of the time my life became my own personal Harem.

The story actually begins towards the end of Christmas vacation. I was staying with my family at our home in Estonia. On the last day of my stay, my father, the leader of the country, sat me down for a little chat.

"Eduard." He said to me. "You remind me of myself in a lot of ways. You're smart, you get amazing grades, and you are very popular at that little school from what I hear."

I couldn't help but smile at all the praise my father was giving me. It was rare that he complimented me. However, what he said next made my smile fade.

"However." He said. "You aren't wise with your money. Or should I say, my money." He pulled out a slip of paper before continuing. "Every month your mom and I get sent these bills from America that cost  hundreds of thousands of dollars. And what is costing us all this money? Your need to throw extravagant parties for you and your entire school! Your mom and I agreed to let you go to this school to help you get a higher education, not so you could party with the popular crowd!"

"Well, yeah, but-" I started before being interrupted.

"But nothing." He stated. "Look, Eduard, until you clean up your act, you wont get another cent out of this family. Understand?"

"But, dad-" I started again, unable to believe what I had just heard.

"Understand?!" He cut me off, giving me a stern look.

"Yes, sir." I said, looking down at the floor.

The next day, I packed up my things and hopped on a plane back to Los Angeles, California. When the plane landed, I grabbed my bags and jumped in a taxi, telling them to take me to World Academy, the renowned school for the children of the world's leaders. When I stepped out of the cab, I was instantly hit with the smell of the cherry blossom trees, which were planted along the main pathway to the school so the Asian students would feel more at home. 

I looked up at the brick façade of the building looming in the distance, before taking my bags and walking off towards the houses surrounding the school. Most of them were modest, two-story houses. But mine, however, was anything but modest. Instead of living in the dorms like everyone else who attended the school, I decided to live off campus in a house nearby. The house I lived in was more of a mansion in matters of size. It had a few bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom, and a laundry room. It was like a dormitory only more spacious. And I had it all to myself. There was one catch, though. I had to pay a rent in order to live there.

As I walked up the stone pathway that led to my front door, I wondered how I would ever continue to live there. Now that my funds were gone, I had no way to pay the outrageous amount of money required to rent the place for the rest of the year until I graduated.

As I walked through the front door and looked at the spacious entry way, large staircase, and many rooms on the second floor landing, I got an idea. I would welcome students into my home and have them live with me! As long as they helped to pay the rent, of course. I went to my room, unpacked my things, got my laptop, sat at my desk, and started to type up some fliers to put around the school. When I had read and reread them over once or twice, or a dozen times, to make sure there were no mistakes or errors, I printed them out and put them in my bag before getting into bed and falling asleep, dreaming about how cool it would be if some of my friends lived with me.

The next day, I made sure to wake up early to start getting the house ready for the new residents. I made sure all the rooms were cleaned and the beds had fresh sheets.

When Monday rolled around I was getting anxious as I posted the fliers around the school.

By the time Friday rolled around, I was really worried. No one had applied for being my roommates. When I walked home that afternoon from my AT class, I was feeling dejected. I started to think that no one truly wanted to room with me.

When I walked into my house, my eyes trained on the floor, I felt myself run face first into something soft and round. The impact sent me falling onto my butt.

"Whoa! Are you ok, Ed?" A feminine voice called out to me. I looked up to see who I had bumped into. What I got, was a big surprise.

My Life is a Harem!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum