Chapter 5

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"Um, thanks for letting me sleep in your room last night." Rai said as we walked down the stairs and into the foyer. "I really appreciate it."

"Oh, that?" I responded  with a wave of my hand. "It was nothing, really."

"I know, but, well, you could have told me no and sent me back to bed with Anya and Yan Chun." She pointed out to me. "So, I guess what I want to know is why?" She looked at me with those wide eyes of hers. "Why did you let me sleep with you when you could have just told me no?"

"Well," I told her truthfully. "I didn't want to be rude to one of my lovely roommates."

"So, does that mean you'd do the same thing if it was one of the others?" She asked. "Like Francine or Emily?"

"Um, well...." I stuttered and rubbed the back of my neck as we entered the dining room.

As soon as we stepped onto the hard, cold wooden floor of the eating space, I was instantly hit with the smell of fresh pancakes. The sent alone was enough to make my stomach sound like a wild animal.

I looked around and saw all the girls gathered around the dining room table, eating breakfast.

I doubt they noticed us right away, because when Sakura looked up from her plate of pancakes, she stood up, bowed, and said "Oh! Greetings, master. Did you sleep well?"

I was taken aback by a young woman calling me "master". Especially when that woman was my roommate!

"Cut the master bullcrap, Cherry!" Emily told her with a full mouth.

"Emilia!" Rose ordered from across the table. "Do not speak with your mouth full! Were you raised in a barn or something?" She was visibly disgusted by Emily's behavior.

This made Emily annoyed and she teased Rose by chewing with her mouth open.

Poor Rose looked like she was going to be sick.

"Ugh, honestly." She rolled her eyes at Emily's antics. "Show a little more maturity, Emilia. That is no way to act in front of our gracious host."

"Fine." Emily relented, swallowing her food. "Happy now, mum?" There was a mocking tone to the way she said "Mum".

"I'm so sorry, Eduard." Rose apologized, turning in her chair to face me. "Emily always acts like like this." She glared at her friend. "Even when others find it annoying."

Emily just shrugged her off before taking a large bite from her stack of pancakes.

I assured Rose that it was fine and that I didn't really mind, when, in truth, Emily's behavior actually did bother me quite a bit. But, since Emily was a laid back, easy going type of girl, I let it slide for the time being.

Soon, my stomach started growling again.

"Sounds like someone's hungry this morning." Alicia noted. "Isn't that right, Eduard?"

I nodded in response.

"Well, then, why don't you join us for a bite?" Francine asked with a wink. "Marguerite got up extra early to make us all her mom's special pancakes."

Marguerite blushed at the attention she was getting from her friend.

"It was nothing, really." The quiet girl smiled.

"Honhonhon." Francine laughed. "So modest." She looked at me and Rai. "Now then, why dont the two of you take a seat and enjoy some breakfast, non?"

Rai and I nodded, walking over and sitting at the table.

After a while, Francine asked "So, do you often sleep in sweat pants, Eduard?"

"Why do you want to know that?" I asked, a little confused.

"I'm just trying to get to know my new roommate better." She explained. "For all of our sakes."

"Uh....Well...." I stuttered and rubbed the back of my neck at the question.

"Actually, he just sleeps in his boxers." Rai answered for me.

There was a collective "What?!" from all the girls present as I just stared in shocked at Rai.

I couldn't believe she had just said that! Well, actually I could believe that because it was Rai and she had a bad habit of speaking her mind at the worst possible moments!

"How would you know that, Rai?" Francine questioned, genuinely curious.

"Because I slept with him last night." Rai explained, taking a bite out of her pancakes.

Now my face was heating up as all the girls stared at me in shock!

"Oh, Eduard." Francine said, swirling around some orange juice in a wine glass. "I know it's your senior year at World Academy and you don't wish to graduate a virgin. But, sweet little Rai here is only a freshman. Why take the virginity of a girl so young? Besides, I would have gladly volunteered up my own virginity if it meant you got laid at least once before you left the school."

I just stood there, mouth agape, as I tried to process what I had just heard. My blush grew even darker at the next thing Francine said.

"You know, now I'm a bit curious." She smirked and looked at Rai. "Tell me, Rai, since you saw it, felt it, and, more than likely, tasted it, just how big would you say Eduard really is?"

"I don't know." Rai answered truthfully with a shrug.

I breathed a sigh of relief and my blush started to calm down.

This information shocked Francine terribly. "But, you and he had sex last night, non?"

"Where did you get that idea?" Rai wondered, looking at Francine with a confused look.

"Well, you said that you slept with Eduard last night, did you not?"

"Yes, I did."

Now it was Francine's turn to be confused. "So you slept with him, but didn't have sex with him?"

Rai nodded in response as she took another bite of her pancakes.

"How did you sleep with him, but not have sex?" Francine asked, wanting an answer.

Rai responded by explaining what happened last night.

"Truth be told, Ed is great at cuddling." She smiled at me and I blushed a little at her compliment.

"Awe." Anya commented. "You two are so cute together. Are you sure you aren't dating each other?"

"Well, after last night, I'm not really sure?" Rai explained before looking at me. "Are we dating, Ed?"

"Of course not!" I responded, waving my hands. "I mean, not that I'm apposed to the idea of us dating! But, I'm just not ready for that kind of commitment! What happened last night, that was just me being a good friend! You know? I'm sure you would have done the same for me! Right?"

"Of course!" She smiled at me and continued to eat her breakfast.

The rest of the girls seemed satisfied with what they had been told and went back to their meal.

I breathed a sigh of relief and started to dig into my own breakfast as well.

My Life is a Harem!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें