Chapter 3

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A few hours later, after I had calmed down and gave the girls their room assignments for the night, I sat at my computer, in my boxers, working on an assignment that was due next month.

I was about to call it a night when I heard a knock at my bedroom door. I stood up, walked over, and opened the door. Who I saw, surprised me. I thought it would be Francine, Yan Chun, or even Julchen. Instead, the visitor was a girl with pale blond hair cut into a bob. She was wearing red pajamas with white lace at the collar and sleeves.

"Rai?" I asked, a little surprised. "What do you need?"

"May I sleep with you, Eduard?" Rai Galante asked, a little nervous.

"What do you mean by that?" I questioned, making sure she didn't mean what I thought she meant.

"I just mean, well, can I sleep in your room tonight?" She clarified.

"What about sharing a room with Anya and Yan Chun?" I asked.

"Well, Anya scares me and Yan Chun talks in her sleep." She explained. "Please can I sleep with you in your room tonight?" She looked at me with pleading light blue eyes.

"Ok." I relented. "You can sleep with me tonight."

She smiled at that and walked into my room, crawling onto my bed and snuggling under the covers. I turned off my computer before getting into bed myself. Once she saw that I was in a comfortable position, she did something that surprised me. She moved over and draped her arm and leg over me, resting her head on my chest so she could hear my heartbeat in her ear. I blushed a bit at the feeling of her light blond hair brushing against my exposed skin, but I let it slide because she just looked so damn cute in her sleep.

"Good night, Eduard." I heard her mumble and a smile crept onto her sweet face.

I smiled back and resisted the urge to stroke her soft and straight locks. I settled on letting my hand rest on her side and I pulled her closer, closing my eyes and drifting off.

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