Chapter 4

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The next morning, I woke up, the day before a bit of a blur. Almost like it had been a dream I couldn't quite remember. I smiled and stretched, hoping that some fellow students of mine saw the fliers I put up. But my smile slowly faded as I heard a light snore coming from someone next to me. I grabbed my glasses from my night stand. I put them on and looked down, seeing my friend, Rai, sleeping peacefully.

I knew her from Choir class. She may have been slightly oblivious in class, but damn could she sing! I dare say that she was better than my friends Toris, Katyusha, and myself put together! However, she was a little shy in front of a crowd, so she never got any solos. Wow, I really got off track! Anyways, back to the story!

When I saw Rai, of all people, sleeping next to me, I started to panic, trying to remember what happened last night! Was she here when I came home yesterday? I remembered hearing a knock and answering the door, though if it was my bedroom door or the front door I couldn't tell! I ran a hand through my hair and desperately tried to remember if something went down between us! Did we kiss?! If so, was it a simple peck or was it a make out?! Did it lead to me carrying her to my room and placing her on the bed?! Did I climb on top of her?! Did we undress each other and take part in a ritual sacred only to lovers?!

Just as I was reaching the point of a full blown panic attack, if I wasn't there already, I heard some voices from downstairs ringing through the house.

It was then that I remembered what truly happened yesterday. I had hoped it was just a bad dream, but, as it turned out, it really did happen. I was now rooming with eleven girls from around the world. I was living in my own personal Harem!

I heard a yawn and looked back at Rai as she fluttered her eyes open. I was worried how she would react to waking up next to me of all people.

To my surprise, she gave me a tired smile and a drowsy look. I noticed that her hair was messy before taking note of my own case of bedhead.

"Good morning, Eduard." She yawned again. Honestly, she sounds like a kitten when she yawns.

I couldn't help but smile back at how cute she looked.

"Good morning." I responded, yawning as well. "How did you sleep, Rai?"

She told me that she slept rather well. "This place is definitely better than the dorms on campus."

"Well, I'm so glad you like it here, Rai." I responded as my stomach growled. "Why don't we head down stairs? I don't know about you, but I could use some breakfast right about now."

I gave her another kind smile which she returned. "Alright."

I got up, pulled on some sweatpants, and opened the door for her. "Ladies first."

"Why thank you, Eduard." She replied.

"Oh, please, call me Ed." I told her.

She seemed a little shocked that I would allow her to call me by a nickname. But she couldn't help but smile at the gesture. "Ok then, Ed."

She headed out the door and I followed, closing it behind us.

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