Chapter 12

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As I stood in the doorway of the bathroom, feeling worse than I ever had in my life, I heard Francine's voice cut the silence.

"Well, that was, um, how you say, awkward? But, I mean, it really couldn't be helped. After all, you are straight, as you said. Even though I personally think every one has a gay side. But, hey, what do I know? Besides, if you really did feel that way about him, you two would have had sex by now, but you both are clearly still virgins. Although, some studies show..."

By this point, I was starting to get pissed off. I was frustrated, confused, and upset all at once. And Francine's words didn't exactly help the situation. I couldn't even get a full sentence out, I was so irritated. All I could manage was a whisper.

"Shut up..."

"Eh?" She responded. "Pardon?"

I couldn't take it anymore. Any hope that I had had of me and Rai having a future together was now gone. Vanished before my eyes. All because of me. I couldn't stand the thought of a future without him. So I snapped. Clenching my fist, I turned around and slammed it into the door, taking all my anger out on the girls.

"Just shut up, Francine! You god damn slut! Is sex and making me feel insecure all you think about, you damn prostitute?!"

"P-prosti..." She started to repeat as tears formed behind her violet eyes and she collapsed onto Rose in a fit of tears and violent sobs.

Though a little shocked at first, Rose put her arms around Francine in a protective and caring manner before shooting me a glare.

"That was uncalled for, Eduard!" She berated me. "How dare you call her those things! I've known Francine for three years now and she is definitely not a slut! Or a prostitute! A whore, maybe, but definitely not those! And another thing-"

"Shut up, Rose!" I exclaimed. "No one gives a shit about what you have to say!"

"Uh!" She just looked at me in shock before going back to comforting Francine while not taking her glare off of me.

"Hey, man!" Emily butted in. "Don't talk to Rose that way! I'll have you know that, even though she can be a brat sometimes, Rose is still a nice girl! She also happens to be like a sister to me!"

"Oh, be quiet, you idiot!" I rounded on her. "You don't even know what we're talking about!"

For once, Emily didn't say anything. She just stared at me, visibly hurt by my words.

"Eduard!" Monika exclaimed, walking up to me and picking me up by my shirt. "That is no way for a host to treat his guests!" She then dropped me onto the floor and stood over me with an intimidating aura. "Now, apologize to those three, at once!"

"You're right, Monika." I said as I stood up. "You are one of my guests. Which, as you said, makes me the host of you. So, that means..." I dusted myself off before giving her a death glare that would make Anya proud. "I don't have to listen to a god damn thing you say."

A look of shock flashed across her face before quickly being replaced with anger.

She then grabbed my arm and shook me violently.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to treat a woman like this?! You're being disrespectful!"

"Well, sorry if I'm just a little bit upset that you girls have ruined my relationship with Rai!" I exclaimed as tears threatened to fall from my eyes. "In fact, you may have ruined Rai's life too!" At this point I gave up on fighting against my pain and let the tears flow from my eyes. "He was perfectly happy being a girl...He had hoped to keep it a secret from you girls until he graduated..."

Monika released me from her grip and stared at me in shock.

"But, why would he do that?" She asked.

"He didn't want to risk any of you girls, or any other students for that matter, revealing his true gender to Principle Gia. He didn't even trust me enough to tell me the truth. But, then I walked in on him today and, well, he was kind of forced to tell me. I just can't believe that, even though we had been dating for three months, he didn't trust me..."

The girls were silent as they all looked at each other.

Finally, after about a minute of this, Monika spoke up.

"Eduard..." She started.

"I'm sorry..." I apologized. "I shouldn't have snapped on you girls..."

"No, Eduard, you had every right to be mad." Francine told me. "I pushed you too far. I should have left you alone after Rai left the room."

"It's fine, Francine..."

"Non, it's not." She insisted as tears formed behind her eyes again. "I never should have-"

"Francine." I stated. "Really, it's fine. But, I think it's about time you girls left."

"He's right." Monika insisted, turning back to the girls. "Come on. Let's give him some time to calm down." She started to head towards the door but I grabbed her arm as she walked past me.

"I don't mean 'leave the bathroom', Monika." I clarified. "I mean, I think it's time you girls left the house and went back to the dorms."

There was a collective "What?!" from all four of them before Rose spoke up.

"Eduard, you can't be serious!"

"You can't just kick us out!" Emily pleaded.

"Oh, mon cher," Francine begged. "Please don't send us back to those dorms!"

"Look, guys," I told them. "I'm sorry. But, I actually have been thinking about doing this for a few weeks now..." I then looked up at Monika with an apologetic expression. "Monika? Can you please inform the others that I want their bags packed and ready to leave by tomorrow morning?"

"I..." She started to say before closing her mouth and nodding. "Ja. I'll go tell them." She then looked back at the other three. "Come on, girls."

The rest of the girls looked at me with saddened expressions before exiting the bathroom, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

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