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Michael is like an escape from my reality. He's the kinda person who always makes you feel good even on the worst days.

"Sho Chlowe fwatshup?" Michael asked while proceeding to shove Doritos into his mouth. "Not much, I kinda just needed a break from life." I plop down into a bean bag separate from the one Michael and Jeremy were sharing. Both boys  were playing Mario kart, Michael to no surprise was winning. "Mario kart huh?" I ask. "YEAH! And I'm about to DOMINATE Michael!" Jeremy said as Michael drove over a banana peel. I giggled.
" In your dreams Heere!" Michael  said passing Jeremy. "I bet I could beat BOTH of you!" I challenge them. "YOU'RE ON VALENTINE!" They both say at the same time. A grab a controller. "Prepare to loose!" I say calmly while picking Princess Peach as my driver, Jeremy chose Waligi, and Michael chose Yoshi.

After two hours worth of playing Mario kart Michael finally beat me.
I laugh. "Good game." I say accepting my first defeat. "How are you so good!?" Jeremy asked. "Me and Brooke play all the time." I say. "But she usually beats me." I add sighing happily. Then proceeded to steal four of Michael's Doritos shoving them in my mouth.

-Flash back-

After a long day of school me and Brooke walk up the steps of her house, today was her birthday and her mom got her a Mario kart game she said she could easily beat me and I accepted the challenge. "Race you to my bedroom!" Brooke said excitedly. "YOU'RE ON!" I say running upstairs to her bedroom. I land on her bed knocking off a few stuffed animals. "You cheated!" Brooke claimed, jumping onto the bed right on top of me. "Hey!" I say as she covers my face with pillows. "That's what you get! HA!" She giggled. "But I'm still gonna beat you!" I say as she hands me the Wii controller. "Pffft, as if!" She replies as we begin the game. After five turns she beat me four to one.
We play three more games and I finally gave up. "Okay fiiinnneee, you win!" I say. "YES!" She says doing a victory dab. "Hey Brooke, I almost forgot!" I say reaching into my back pack to pull out two wrapped presents  handing them to her I say "Happy birthday Brookie." I smile handing her the gifts. "Thanks Chloe" she smiles and proceeds to rip open the first present. It was her favorite childhood book, one day Brooke lost the book and cried for three hours strait, that was the day her and I met eachother I comforted her and we had been friends ever since. "Is this?" Brooke said gasping . "Yep!" I say.
"Now you better open the other one as well!" I say. She tears open the other package, inside is a framed photo from when we were four. In the photo Brooke was wearing big Harry Potter style glasses, twinkle toes, and overalls covering her yellow shirt which had ducks on it she had a single tooth missing and looked  extremely adorable. I was wearing a purple shirt that was tucked into my jean shorts, my hair was in pigtails, I was wearing flip flops. In the photo me and Brooke were holding hands and smiling widely. As soon as she saw the old photo Brooke broke out in tears. "Sniff, Thanks Chlo." She said pulling me into a hug. "This is the best birthday ever..." She said wiping away a tear. "It's no problem, you only deserve the best!" I say smiling.

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