Music Notes.

802 33 8

The room carried a gloomy aura, 

With age old portraits of people of the past. 

Carved furniture, huge wardrobes. 

A huge television, and every electronic device. 

The room was illuminated with only a few streaks of the morning sunlight. 

The queen sized bed messy, as if just then someone woke up. 

At the far corner of the room, sat a flawless girl, with auburn coloured hair,

 she sat with her knees up, as she gazed at the gardens that stretched before her dark eyes. Her right hand sketching a portrait of her dreams. 

Her doll like ears stuffed with ear plugs as she shut the world around her out.

She sighed as her first maid came inside saying that her father wanted to see her.

A smile crept onto her thin pink lips, as she happily skipped towards her father's room.

The room a familiar replica of her's, huge portraits of people. A gloomy aura, 

Yet the curtains were wide open. 

Near a huge french window,

An extremely tall man stood, 

Leaning on a Celtic walking stick.

With silvery black hair, 

He turned around with a pleasing smile on his stunning face.

With big eyes, in the shape of almonds, and big ears like an Elf.

"Papa, You called me for me?" 

"Yes, come here. Did you miss me?"

"Like madness."

The girl ran to her father as she hung on to his neck squeezing him.

He had just come from aboard.

Yet their little moment was ruined when,

A certain Owl eyed lady, arrived with a girl as tall as her.

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