Drosera Rotundifolia

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The scenes of the previous night preoccupied the girl's mind as she sat down for breakfast. Everything had played out so strange, so surreal, that she was unsure if it had really happened.

But despite the night being dreamlike and almost cliché, she knew that this was her reality. She was now an adult even if she felt the furthest thing from it.

"Did you enjoy your party?" Her father asked from across the table, snapping Barbara out of her thoughts.

"Hmm. I'd give it 4 stars out of 5." She grinned, taking a sip from her coffee mug.

"That's a little harsh." Her dad teased back.

"I would have given it higher if I didn't have to drink soda all night." The girl shrugged.

"Then, I am fine with that rating." He chuckled.

"Oh, I also was abandoned. Did you know Bruce Wayne had any sons?" Barbara reached across the table for the scattered newspaper.

"Sons? Oh, he's mentioned one before. But I never thought he had more than one. They're adopted, correct?"

"That's what they told me." She glanced down at the newspaper headlines: Wayne Enterprise Employee Found Gruesomely Murdered.

With a picture of the man's covered body included.

"I'm surprised there's no picture of the man's uncovered body in here," Barbara stated dryly.

"I am too. The media has no sense of decency or ethics anymore. Thankfully we were able to cover the body before the journalists got there," James admitted with a sigh.

Continuing to read the paper, Barbara felt her father's eyes lingering on her. She kept reading, trying to ignore his curious gaze.

"So why did you want to know about Mr. Wayne's sons?" James peered up at her through the top of his glasses.

"Oh.. Well, you know, they were just a little strange." Barbara remained intentionally vague on this answer, knowing where her dad would take this discussion. And she sure didn't want to reveal everything that happened.

"In what way?"

"Just strange," She tucked a strand of her red hair behind her ear. "Haven't you gotten that vibe from Mr. Wayne as well?"

"No, not at all. Barbara. What are you trying to get at? You're not explaining yourself." Her father set down his mug.

Barbara's mouth dropped open as her mind raced to find the words. None were coming to her. They were all stuck in her throat. "I-"

But before she could find herself in the middle of an embarrassing situation, the phone rang from the other side of the kitchen. As James went to answer it, Barbara mouthed a silent thank you to whoever had made that phone call.

"Hello? Yes. Again? Exactly the same? Another man? Okay, I'll be right there." James hung up the phone.

"What-" She started to say before James cut her off.

"Another murder."

Barbara blinked, bringing the mug closer to her. "Another one?"

"I'll be home late again tonight. Maybe even later. No need to wait up for me." James called out, already heading for the front door. "And be sure to stop by the library!"

"Oh, right. That's today," She muttered, completely forgetting that she had made a commitment to start volunteering today. "Just what the hell is happening in this city?" She took another sip of her now lukewarm coffee.

The Demon Of The Night [OUTDATED VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now