Chapter 1

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"She dumped you?!" Baekhyun's eyes widened as he stared at his friend.

"But I thought you were going away together?"

"Obviously she wasn't thinking of that when she decided to cheat on me" Chen replied, staring at the ground and running his hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry. What are you gonna do about the holiday?" Hyewon added, rubbing the boy's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.

"I guess I'll just have to get a refund or something" he muttered, collapsing onto the sofa.

The room was silent for a moment and Hyewon joined her friends, leaning against Baekhyun's shoulder as she looked at Chen's red eyes.

She could feel Baekhyun shuffling next to her and she lifted her head to meet his eyes, giving him a questioning glance.

"Why don't we just buy some extra tickets and go together" he suddenly announced, causing Hyewon to jump up from beside him.

Her eyes were confused but Baekhyun gave her a glance as if to help him out.

"Yeah, we can just buy some extras. The chalet is big enough for us all anyway" she added, attempting to persuade Chen who was still laying on the sofa with his hand over his face.

They were surrounded by silence again as they awaited his reply. It felt like years before he finally spoke but he glanced to them, letting out a sigh of frustration.

"I guess so" he mumbled, pushing Baekhyun away as he jumped on him in excitement. "Get off idiot!"

They separated and Hyewon pulled Baekhyun back. Chen clearly wasn't feeling great.

"You can ask Tara to come with you" Baekhyun suddenly said in an attempt to tease him.

Hyewon slapped him on the shoulder, darkening her glare as he clutched his arm in pain.

"I'm not sure about that" Chen replied, still in his own world.

"You have to. I mean you haven't seen each other in ages" Baekhyun continued.

Chen seemed to stop for a moment, staring up at the ceiling while his friends silently argued with each other.

"I guess I'll try to get her to come"


So this is how it all happened.

After Chen broke up with his long-time girlfriend we decided to join him on his holiday to Austria. At least it would give him an excuse to distract himself.

So here we are. Crowded on seats at Incheon Airport, waiting for our flight to be announced.

Chen was still moping but we all hoped that it would lift his spirits just a tiny bit. After all it was Christmas.

Flight 207 to Salzburg Airport will be departing shortly

"Come on then you idiots" Hyewon jumped up, smiling at Chen.

They grabbed their luggage and began wandering towards the gate, lining up behind a group of people.

"There's not many people" Baekhyun chattered, overly excited as always.

"Well I don't think Austria's a hotspot for Korean tourists" Hyewon replied, giving him a sarcastic smile as they stepped onboard.

They all showed their boarding passes to the stewardess', claiming their seats and placing their luggage in the cupboards.

"Does anyone wanna trade? I can't sit next to Baekhyun for the whole flight" Hyewon asked, giving Chen pleading eyes but taking her seat as he ignored her request.

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