Chapter 6

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Xiumin began making cups of coffee, pouring foamed milk over the top into a heart pattern.

He looked up at Hyewon with a smirk on his face as he handed her the mug and she looked back at him in pretend annoyance.

"Not gonna work on me"

"Darnit, they all fall for that" he muttered, chuckling as Hyewon took a sip.

A small bit of foam was left on her lip and Xiumin glanced at it.

Hyewon noticed his expression, glaring at him darkly as she used her sleeve to wipe it away.

"No way, you creep"

"Crap my secret weapon was uneffective"

He continued staring at her as she drank her coffee, a content smile on his face.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked, watching as he sat daydreaming.

"H-huh?" He mumbled, finally moving his eyes back to meet Hyewon's.

"Stop staring and drink your coffee" she said, patting him on the shoulder as she went over to a small sink in the corner.

The water began to pour out and she washed the mug in it, checking on Xiumin who swiftly turned back to the drink in front of him.

"Is there a bathroom here?" she asked, looking down at her raggy clothes.

"Yeah it's down the hall but there isn't a shower" he answered, pointing to a doorway next to the store cupboard.

"How am I supposed to clean?" She asked in confusion.

"Don't worry you smell like Cinnamon to me" he joked, a grin appearing on his caused a fluttering in her heart.

"Be serious" she muttered, hiding her happiness.

"You'll just have to make do"

Hyewon turned the corner and wandered down the hall, staring at the intricate flower design on the wallpaper.

Soon she reached a door, pushing it open with a loud squeak and walking over to the sink.

She splashed the water against her face, drying it with some paper towels and picking up her arm.

(I can't believe I went near him like this)

She searched the room for something to fix the smell, her eyes soon landing on a can of air freshener in the corner.

(Am I really going to do this?)

After stumbling over to it she lifted it above her,spraying it all over her body.

A familiar smell flew through the air and she searched for the label.

It was faded but she picked it up and turned it to the ingredients, squinting her eyes to see the letters.

(Is he kidding?)


She picked up her jumper, sniffing at it and immediately dropping it in disgust.

After she'd finished freshening up Hyewon trudged back into the main room, going over to Xiumin who was arranging some mugs on the shelf.

"Do you have any spare clothes?" she questioned, staring as he thought for a moment.

"I might in the storage room. You can check if you want"

She walked in the direction that her pointed, entering a room that was so dusty she immediately coughed upon entering.

There were boxes stacked all over the place and she read the writing on the side.

Among the many boxes labelled books there was one with clothes written on the side.

She dragged it from the corner opening it up and peering inside.

There were a few tshirts which looked far too big but at the bottom there was a dark blue sweater with a checkered pattern on the front.

She pulled it out of the box, holding it up in front of her before replacing her cardigan with it.

The bottom of it was just above her knees but it was warm and still better than the clothes she was currently wearing.

Her eyes stopped on a box in the corner with photos scrawled across the edge.

Hyewon wandered over to it, taking it from the shelf and peeking inside at a photo album placed on the top.

It was made of brown leather and slightly worn at the edges but she opened it staring at the first picture.

It showed a much younger Xiumin stood in between a man and a woman.

He was looking up at them with a bright smile and his mother was holding his hand.

His father had dark black hair, with grey eyes and happiness evident on his face.

His mother had brown hair that reached her shoulder and seemed to be looking down at the boy below her.

Hyewon flipped through the next few pages and watched Xiumin as he changed from a young boy to an adult.

Once he reached the teenage years, he became much handsomer and there were many pictures of him with friends from school.

His hair was dark black like his dad and he looked better looking with each birthday that past.

A sudden noise came from the doorway and Hyewon slammed the book shut, shoving it back in the box and placing it back on the shelf.

She jogged over to the box of clothes just as Xiumin appeared in the doorway.

"I see you found some. Looking great" He muttered, obviously trying to hold back his laughter.

"Don't even start" she muttered, pushing past him in the doorway and trying to hide her smile as she left the room.

(Why does he look so cute?)

He disappeared into the room for a while, eventually emerging with a box in his hand and waving it at Hyewon.

"I found the perfect thing to do?" he said, grinning as he walked over to her.

"What is it?"

He pulled out a mat from the box placing it on the floor and looking up at her in amusement.



Character POV's
Kim Minseok: Keep reading
Byun Baekhyun: hoebai
Kim Jongdae: jinownsmyass

Go check out their sides of the story...

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