#2 Operation potato chip

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That was interesting. I wouldn't have heard her like the rest of the team if it wasn't for my superb hearing.

Something is up with her, I called her Rae AND mama she didn't even flinch.

I swear when I said mama she blushed.

She wants me!

and I want her too.

Maybe I'm just drea-"earth to beastboy?"


"I said trainings over do you want to play some video games?"

"Uh yeah sure just give me a second."

He gives a small smile than walks out to the common room. "Weird kid " he breathes.


Finally. I was going to beat Cyborg in a game of Monkey Blitz 5000. I've worked so hard for this moment.

Robin is the one to thank for my loss today. He will never be forgiven.

"Seriously why are you standing in front of the tv at the most important time in my life!!?" I slouched in the couch with a sour face showcased to everybody in the room.

"I was standing in front of the television to tell you something that is more important for you to learn. Actually I should call a team meeting for this one.

Once everyone gathered in the common room Robin spoke. "We have been assigned a task. The JPD and CIA are working together to give us details. We are taking the flyer jet out to New York tomorrow. We're going to be undercover agents, the focus is to find a potential thief who has a chip with codes of many top of the line convicted felons who are associated with corrupt businesses in New York, Gotham and jump."

"A potato chiiii-??"

"A computer chip you green imbecile." Raven spat with crossed arms

She's going to dislike me even more if I keep saying stupid stuff. I just need to keep my mouth shut.

"We have a week to solve this case; 5 days if we want a challenge?"
He's tilted his head with hopeful eyes. With the look of everybody's  face Robin took that as a no. He continued.

Our mission is to find solid evidence of who the thief is, get proof the chip is in their possession. After, we are to take the chip and expose the thief.

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