#8 Titans Go

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"We already know the plan we don't need a recap." Cyborg judged.

"Is there anything new you can tell us to us or are you just wasting our time."

"Oh uh yes we have some specifics on some of the potential accomplices.

He turn the lights off and clicked for the projector to work it flashed the first potential culprit.

"Penguin I know of him he resides in Gotham and definitely has committed crimes. He's the scum of the earth. He legalizes crime to compliant lawbreakers and taxes them for any profit made." Robin interjected.

"Yes we have many reasons to believe he has something to do with the corruption in all three cities."

We look at the next suspect who seems to have scars and tattoos on his neck and face. "This man has been back and forth from New York and Gotham under a fake name and we have not had the police on him yet because we've been watching him closely. He has no job title in either cities yet has many higher up friends in politics and business."

The last man showed up he was black with red hair.

"His name is kel mertelli he is the C.O.O in the steel industry he has taken lump sums of money from others who work in politics these people know many rots in Jump city. We have specific reason to believe he is up to no good." The man said.

I recognized him from some where but didn't say anything.

He hands Robin the files.

"Your first point of operation is to track penguin in New York to see any sketchy business. He is going to the mayors gala ball tonight and we need you to keep up with him."

"Titans Go."

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