As Nature Wishes

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The roar of the wind rattled the wooden walls of the den; the noise warning like the tail of a rattlesnake

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The roar of the wind rattled the wooden walls of the den; the noise warning like the tail of a rattlesnake.

The rain pelted down like stones, some solid and most just liquid; still, they bit at the flesh like summer flies.

I stood outside, my eyes squinted against the rain as Sable Wolf strapped the rucksack to Fenrir's wolf. Neither looked at ease at being in such close proximity of another alpha.

Mother Wolf stood at my side, her clammy hand clutching mine in a grip that I would have been annoyed with, had I not been gripping her hand just as fiercely.

Malakai was balanced against my chest with my other arm, his small arms clasped around my neck as he snored into my neck. He had been sobbing inconsolably for nearly an hour after he'd been informed of my departure. His wailing only calmed when he was clutched in my arms, his sobs muffled in the crook of my neck.

Mother Wolf stared straight ahead, though I could feel her anxiety as if it were my own. It made me feel almost a bit more at ease, knowing she would miss my presence.

Though, I wondered if she felt this way when we had to leave my brothers?

After my tantrum last night, Mother Wolf had come in my denroom and comforted me as I lay beneath the covers. Her slender fingers had woven through my hair and scratched my scalp.

She had told me how this was the best; that the pack could not run smoothly with a hierarchy-less feral-blood challenging the alpha every other day.

I understood, but what bothered me the most is that she had bargained my mark away to a stranger I had never met. One who was determined to shove my snout into the dirt and show me my place every chance he got.

She had said that he had been recommended; that he was the most dominant alpha many had come across in decades. If anyone could tame my wild half: it would be him.

This did not exactly lighten my mood or console me; in fact it made me angry enough that I had shifted and skunk out of her grip and curled up on the floor until she left.

I had been woken up— early, as the light had barely even touched the sky's navy hue— and forced to pack a meagre sac of essentials.

I was not one for material things like clothing, so I instead filled the sac with some of my
most favourite trophies. The cougar skull and the lower mandible of a fox— to name a few.

Now, we were stood outside Sable Wolf's den, a storm howling around us like a rabid wolverine. It was time for me to leave, and as Fenrir had informed me: we would be walking.

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