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SOZZZ first of all I wrote dis in like seventh grade SO YEARS YEARS YEAAAAARS BACK WHICH IS WHY IT IS REALLY CORNY getting a good laugh outta all dis shiddy writing so I'm guna keep it up n posted N I TOTES JUS REPLAYED SPM!!! 💋💋
err u can totes check out da insta @irrumii if u in2 da super paper Mario stuff still cuz I am an avid fan :o) (an I make art 2 booom tsssss)


(A/N: none of the anime backdrops i used as images for each chapter belong to me, so credit to whonmever owns them.)

Dark. It was getting darker, pouring rain. It was the miserable type of day, with indigo skies and absolutely no light whatsoever. You were walking from the bus stop, waving to your best friend. You had just got back from school. The prison where they forced you to learn. School was boring. All you could think about was anime, video games, and how you had just finished the end of super paper mario. You had witnessed Dimentio, in his plot to make a perfect world, and reluctantly you had beat him. You had approached your home, your feet aching from the short distance you had walked, it was around dinner time, although your family wasn't home. You assumed your parents still had work or some fancy dinner to attend to, so you payed that no mind. Your sibling was at their friends home for a sleep over, due to it being a Friday night. Your sibling and their friend had treated every Friday as a special tradition where they would sleepover. As for you, you were going to watch some anime. You trudged up the stairs of your home, tossing your backpack on the couch. You did the same with your phone, tossing it in a basketball gesture. It bounced off the couch cushion and skidded across the coffee table landing on the cold, hard, wooden floor. You quickly ran over to your phone, a panicked expression pasted on your face, although it soon disappeared after you discovered your phone hadn't broken.

The cold crisp evening breeze brushed against Dimentio's surprisingly bare face. He hadn't dressed as though he usually would have, thinking it wouldn't be necessary. Count Bleck had given him an assignment, it had been very brief and short notice but Dimentio wouldn't hesitate to comply. He was assigned to find a certain female with sparkling (e/c) eyes. The Count had stated her eyes being different then all the other beings here. Dimentio was slightly confused at how the Count expected him to look into all the female eyes in the world, just to find that one pair. The instructions had done him a favour and narrowed it down to one small neighbourhood, and for this, Dimentio was grateful. Dimentio drifted down to the centre of the neighbour hood, glancing around at all the homes around him. He looked closer at each home and debated with him self which home to look in first. Dimentio had been mildly startled by a loud noise from one of the houses. Almost directly after the noise occurred someone had yelped and breathed out a curse word. Dimentio watched the show unfold before his eyes, as he watched the girl scamper towards the small black slab on the floor. He thought he had chuckled quietly, although as soon as the noise escaped his lips the female stared right at where he was positioned. Luckily, Dimentio was invisible, and the female seemed to just ignore his careless laugh. He watched as the female pulled out Sushi from her backpack, setting the dragon rolls and sashimi on a plate. She glanced over at him again, and he had witnessed her unique (e/c) eyes. He watched as she divided up her sushi and set it on a smaller plate, along with a fork. She slowly walked over to his direction and set the food on the windowsill.

"I may just be seeing things, although if your gonna watch me eat, your gonna get hungry, so help yourself buddy," The girl spoke, looking at the spot directly next to him. Dimentio didn't dare reveal himself, holding back the urge to laugh at her acts. She plopped on the couch, chopsticks in her hand as she ate, turning on the television and not shortly falling asleep after. Dimentio happily helped himself to some sushi, and finally had decided to complete his assignment. A name was written on the box the sushi had come in: (Y/N).

"What a pleasure to meet you (Y/N)." Dimentio whispered to her sleeping form in his arms.

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