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You drowsily limped out of the hospital, the jester supporting you, one arm holding your arm around his shoulder, and the other around your waist. Your casted wrist was supported by cloth, to stay in place, and you were more tired then ever. Your (h/l) (h/c) fluttered in the wind, just like the hero's stupid pixl. Dimentio hadn't said anything yet, leading you to behind a tree so he could teleport the both of you away. Back in Castle Bleck Dimentio had seated you in a chair in the kitchen. You proper your head up against your arms, using almost all your will power to keep from falling asleep again. You didn't know why you were so tired, it could be pain medicine or something.

"What would you like?" The jester asked you, also looking tired, and you realized he was still maskless.

"Your mask Dim!" You whispered loudly, his eyes widened as he snapped and the mask appeared on his face. He laughed.

"Thank you for letting me know, now what would you like to eat? I'll make anything," He said, actually using slang for once.

"Anything?" You questioned him.

"I could really really really go for pizza, actually," you gave your self an approving nod st the thought, then your mouth had watered.

"Pi-tz-ah?" He curiously sounded out, you raised your eye brows.

"Please tell me you know what pizza is, please please please," You said laughing at him, you could tell he was raising his eye brows underneath the mask.

"DIMENTIO! You don't know what pizza is?!" Mimi yelled at him.

"Even I know! I'm not human, and I'm not the master of dimensions, so common!" Mimi teased him. You felt as though he was annoyed.

"Well MiMi, if you know pizza so well, why don't you make it for all of us?" He challenged Mimi.

"Alright! Y/n go sleep! The pizza will be done by the time you wake up, Dimentio just go do what you do in that creepy room of yours!" She chirped brushing off Dimentio's challenging manner and getting to work.

"Thanks so much Mimi! Dimentio, I promise you'll love it!" You said thanking the shapeshifter.

Dimentio's POV

I floated past y/n's room, she was asleep, resting until Mimi could fix up some of that "pizza" that y/n had told me about. I was making my way toward my room, until I was suddenly elsewhere, this time, in front of the Count.

"And so I arrive, like a sudden windstorm at a kindergarten picnic!" I announced.

"Blehehehehe, you'd like some playtime I imagine, Dimentio,"

"So you shall have it, but do not disappoint Count Bleck, Dispatch this hero," The counts voice boomed.

"Your wish is my command, besides, this fool sounds like an amusing challenge," I said smirking, I could clearly tell I was making him feel uncomfortable.

"Now if there is nothing else, I'll just be on my way, Ciao my Count!" I was thrilled to finally get the chance to fight the heroes, and test their strength.

The heroes were climbing up a tree, the foolish princess, king of the koopas and the moustached man, along with them was the familiar pixl.

(TIME SKIP) (Sorry sorry I was lazy)

Your POV

"Hm?" You woke up, rubbing your eyes. You stood out of bed, changing your clothing and walking out back to the kitchen. You heard a familiar teleportation noise, and looked in the direction of the sound. You heard muffled groaning then were knocked onto your side. You looked up at the figure on top of you, a hurt, half asleep Dimentio. You worried at his state, never had you expected to see him like this.

"Dimentio are you ok?" He actually just looked tired, not remotely hurt, even if he was still on top of you you felt his head droop on your chest.

"What are you doing with your face on my boobs?" You laughed. He snapped awake.

"Oh, oh, apologies y/n, it's just so soft," he weakly muttered. He probably had no clue that you were lying in the middle of the hall on the floor, him just sleeping on top of you.

"Pizza's ready!" Mimi cheered from the kitchen, You hungrily tried to squeeze out from underneath Dimentio. He was already fast asleep so it was no use getting him to the kitchen, actually, wait. You wondered how mad he would get if you possessed him, would he even get mad? No, knowing Dimentio he would do something to you. You flashed back to the magic box that exploded, hm, if that was the worst then you were free to do so. Drifting in side him you became Dimentio for a little bit, the hight took some time to get used to, but you rushed down to the kitchen anyway. You could feel a bruise here or there, but it was nothing compared to what the princess had done to you. You sat down on the island chair, completely forgetting you had been Dimentio. Mimi turned around.

"Y/n hi! Oh Dimentio? Where's y/n?" She asked curiously, maybe you could have some fun with this, hmmm.

"Oh that little b*tch is still sleeping, the nerve, I mean, I needed to have all that pizza to myself." You smirked, this would throw off mimi.

"That little b*tch is your girlfriend Dimentio!" Mimi said darkly.

"If your messing with y/n your messing with me- oh wait hold on! Y/n! It's you!" She said realizing what you had done, she started laughing.

"Aha! I just wanted to see your reaction- wait hold on, this laugh is so weird, it sounds the same each time... aha! Ahahaha!" You said puzzled. Mimi looked at you questionably trying not to laugh.

"So, why'd you have to possess Dimentio?" She asked.

"Well you see, I was coming downs stairs, he teleported, and crashed into me, falling asleep on top of me, more specifically my boobs... but you know, I did what I had to do!" You laughed.

"I didn't know he was that creepy!" She answered laughing. You just shrugged and laughed along. Dimentios mouth had opened but it wasn't your doing.

"Hm might I ask, who are you two speaking about?" You spoke, wait it wasn't you, then you were thrown out from him.

"Sorry," you rubbed your head as you were on the floor, Dimentio looked back at you, you could tell there was a wide smirk plastered on his face.

"I'll get you back for this dear, Now Mimi, shall we have that pizza?" He questioned, and that was how you spent the night.

(A/n: IM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPLOAD. I'm trying to do better in school, so I won't upload back to back anymore, but weekly should be enough, thanks so much for reading, sorry this was sorta a spam chapter!"

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