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The ghostly being Tasukete lead the group of friends, day after day, striving their best to rescue their imprisoned magician.  Tasukete thought It was strange to have living beings roam here in the underwhere, especially when it was one of the strictest rules to have been created by the queen herself. The rule confused Tasukete, partially because not too long ago the queen had permitted visitors access to the overthere; which rarely happened and was against the rules she had created. Tasukete was not one to break rules, although he had been breaking mouthfuls of them by traveling with (y/n) and her acquaintance the Green Thunder. The so called Mr. L was rather obnoxious, egotistical and overconfident, always teasing Tasukete which was rather annoying as he was stealing (y/n) from him at the same time. Tasukete hadn't a clue as to why (y/n) had befriended him.

The group of friends had approached a large forest, one humongous tree was positioned in the centre of it all, it seemed very much like where the princess had bested you in your first battle. Shuddering at the painful memories, you and L scampered after Tasukete who had been floating peacefully, ignoring the fact at how exhausted the Green Thunder And you had become. Although thankfully, Tasukete began to slow down, facing the two of you beneath a tree. The landscape had altered quite a bit, the environment had become slightly humid and everything was dryer in the area.

"Oh man I wish we could've went longer," Mr.L muttered sarcastically, Tasukete's expression became annoyed.

"How about we continue?" Tasukete challenged him.

"I'm POOPED," You flailed your arms, dramatically falling onto the grass, realizing it was harder then you thought. Although It would have to do for tonight, you thought, drifting into a peaceful sleep.

Silently, Mr.L walked over to your sleeping form, softly giving your arm a nudge, then he shook you slightly harder then he had nudged you.

"She's sleeping fuckface," he growled at Tasukete bearing a malicious grin.

"Bring it on shit-head," Tasukete remarked, returning the grin, a dark glimmer in his eyes.

"I doubt you will, although if you do win, what's my share?" Tasukete asked rather formally, his persona had altered completely, he didn't seem very much childish. I daresay Mr.L was frightened at the ghostly being, how old was Tasukete anyway, four-hundred? Mr.L cursed under his breath realizing this was a mistake, although he wasn't one to chicken out.

"Leave, leave (y/n) and me, I can already see the fucking castle, you're useless to us," Mr. L growled, his smile had disappeared he had his guard up.

Tasukete giggled childishly, "alright but don't expect to be fighting a child," Mr. L adjusted his mask, tightened the back of it. He wasn't going to admit it, although he needed help. Tasukete pounced at Mr.L, missing as L dodged, then disappearing in thin air.

"Have at you," The green thunder declared through clenched teeth, throwing a punch at Tasukete, green omitting from his fist. Tasukete laughed, amused at L's attempts, although the slightly stinging green mist on Tasuketes arm spoke otherwise. Tasukete growled at the green thunders triumphant grin, as L's pompous side began to show once more.

The green thunder almost instantly regretted uplifting his hopes, as Tasukete seemed to be creating some cylinder energy force, the orb was enlarging by the second. L's eyes widened, he scampered back, away from Tasukete who was snickering teasingly. He ran through the bushes, back to where (y/n) was sleeping, debating whether Tasukete would hurt (y/n) or not.

"Real manly L, planning to use me as a fricken shield?" You stood before the green thunder, dark mist omitting from both hands, your eyes had become a dark shade of inky black.

"(Y-y/n)! I didn't do anything, just Tasukete's gone rouge!"

"So you're asking for my help?" You challenged the flustered man, who then looked at the ground, clearly flustered.

"O-oh, (y/n) I know you'd love to help, but I can't let you do that, L and I made a deal," Tasukete hissed from behind the two of you, causing you to yelp at a very high pitch. Your black eyes made direct contact with his, as his neck cracked, unnaturally twisting. You were terrified, and the only thing you thought to do was create a cross with your fingers.

"MAY THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPEL YOU," Screeching, you backed away from Tasukete, Mr.L looking at you questionably. Tasukete exploded with laughter, a sadistic grin sweeping his now upsidown face. The ghostly being straightened his head once again, peering straight into your eyes, tracing your facial features with his fingers. This was no doubt the creepiest thing you had ever experienced.

"Get your stupid ha—," you paused mid sentence, unable to speak or move. Tasukete's grin widened.

"Alright L, should we carry on?" Tasukete giggled, it was unnerving really. L glanced over at your frozen form, worry clearly painted over his face. You hoped L could strategize, you hoped he could best this demon.

The green thunder had scampered around the forest floor for practically half an hour, Tasukete somehow found this sadistically pleasing. Seeing (y/n) frozen, watching him before his downfall was really quite painful, although he wasn't one to give up that easily. Maybe, just maybe, he'd have to strategize, think like Nastasia for once. First of all, no one could defeat this demon alone, Mr.L needed someone much more like the demon itself. Although the only being he knew that was crazy enough to be mistaken as a demon was a certain locked up jester. There was not enough time nor stamina to sprint inside the castle poking out in the horizon, rescue a jester, then sprint back to defeat a demon. Mr.L could easily defeat Tasukete with (y/n)'s help, although she was frozen.

Mr. L whipped his head around, as a series of muffled noises came from (y/n) she was doing her best to get his attention. She seemed to be very concentrated, her black eyes switching back to their normal colour, as she then twitched her hand, the slightest bit.

The ring.

There was a way to summon that stupid jester after all. Tasukete seemed to notice what L and (y/n) had been planning, he darted quickly to snatch the ring before L had the chance. The green thunder cheered triumphantly, tossing the ring as (y/n) glared at him, rushing L to summon him before Tasukete had a chance of taking it.

"FUCK, (y/n)! How do you work this?!" The green thunder yelled at her, she was furiously trying to move her body, although there was no outcome. Tasukete was nearing L, clearly annoyed. Think, think, think, THINK. FU—

All of L's thoughts became silent, he could hear only his heartbeat, nothing more. Tasukete, you, everything was frozen, other then himself.

"That's quite enough Green Thunder," Said the relaxing, confident voice he assumed to belong to a woman.

"Queen Jaydes," L breathed.

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