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It had been presumably around one week after dressing up the green thunder. You and the jester would continuously tease Mr. L, the reason? Well, his reactions were priceless, and for some reason he always seemed unsettled when in the presence of Dimentio. Dimentio always knew the correct ways of making him uncomfortable, it made you wonder if he'd ever do the same to you. Although you had discovered something about Mr.L, he was none other then related to the hero. You had talked to Nastasia about your discovery, and she had confirmed it correct. You wondered why not just interrogate him, and possibly find out the hero's weaknesses? Although Nastasia said it would be more convenient to have him working on the team. You had decided to leave the topic, and question someone else about a few things. You knocked on Dimentio's door. A purple light radiated from the door-nob and the door swung open. You peeked inside curious as to why he didn't just yell "come in". You found Dimentio floating upside down, he was attired with a yellow sweater and some black shorts, he had bags under his eyes
making it seem as though he hadn't slept for days. Knowing the jester well, he would do such things, and sometimes would get completely crazy. There were papers spread out under neath him, as he was holding a pen. They seemed to have little doodles and complicating tactics on them.

"What are you up-," He cut you off, shoving a finger on your lips. You walked over to him, he hadn't taken his eyes off the papers and was writing in neat cursive on them, you assumed they were part of his plan. You sat directly underneath him, criss cross, and looked up at him. You wondered how he could read and write upside-down, although that was no matter. You silently watched as he wrote more and more, it seemed as though he was writing a novel with all the papers stacked and spread out. You looked closer, and found drawings of different landscapes, along with a circle with a capitol "M" inside, along with "P" and "B" and a sort of butterfly you assumed was Tippi. Dimentio seemed to plan his battles thoroughly, and as soon as you thought that, he flipped over the page. He teleported and was sitting next to you, he saw your confused expression and laughed.

"This is our plan," He pointed at a circle with an "L" with a small box drawn around it. The landscape was blank and there was a small star next to the "L". You understood it clearly, the star signified himself, it seemed he was going to make an unauthorized confrontation with the green thunder after he had been sent on his mission. You thought back to the game, Dimentio had blown up Mr.L and sent him to the underwhere, the final battle was nearing from this point in time. He flipped back a page, there was the "L" circle along with the "M" "P" and "B". There was also a heart drawn.

"The Sammer kingdom," You breathed.

"Precisely, and this is the stoned pure heart," he pointed at the small heart next to the "L" circle. He drew a larger heart, about the size of the "L" circle, you assumed that was representing you.

"What should I do?" You asked him, pointing at the heart.

"This is why I love you, you understand my thoughts exactly," he smiled, happy you understood his reference to the larger heart.

"If it is not to much, might I ask you knock the pure heart out of Mr.L's pocket and make it able so the heroes obtain it?" He looked you on the eye waiting for an answer.

"Let's do it!" You pumped a fist in the air, he laughed at your remark.

"Precisely when the green thunder leaves, come to my room immediately."

"Ok, anything else?" You ask.

"Since we are nearing the end of our journey and beginning of a new one, I have a request," He propped his chin on his hand. You nodded gesturing for him to go one.

"I was wondering if I could use your room for a little trick I am planning, although you'd only be able to see the results after I am done setting it up."

"Where would I sleep?" You asked.

"With me of course, we are a couple after all, so it's only fair we grow a little more acquainted with each others company," he smirked.


"We've already slept together before, and you don't have many belongings so it wouldn't be hard to move in here." You blushed remembering those moments, he only stared at you waiting for an answer, his smile slowly faltering the longer it took you to answer.

"Fine," You answered, wondering whether you would regret it or not. His smile widened and he spun you in the air.

"Wonderful! I'll get started right away!" He set you down as you dizzily tried to regain you balance. He rose in the air, closed his eyes and snapped, causing your sketch book and laptop to appear on his desk, along with pencil crayons and other items that you possessed. Your stuffed bunny appeared in your arms and Dimentio smiled at you from above. His closet swung open and you staggered backward in surprise, your clothing lined up neatly next to his, along with your bras and underwear that was put in a small bin and tucked in to the closet. You watched in awe as as he sorted everything quickly.

"All done!" He happily said, you dashed out the door running over to your room, you swung open the door and the only thing left had been your bed, along with other furniture. Dimentio appeared next to you, placing a hand on your shoulder, he snapped again and the room was completely empty and painted black. Mirrors lined themselves up along the walls, each different sizes. You touched the mirrors, almost falling into the centre one because it had been fake. Dimentio caught you, a grin spread on his face. You shot him a suspicious look and noticed the two question boxes lined up on the ends of each sides of the secret room. You ran over from one question box to another they both happened to be empty.

"Perfect! I've been looking for a place to hide these all day!" You gleefully stated, pulling two mushrooms out of your pockets and shoving them in each box.

"Since this part of the room is a secret this is like beyond a perfect hiding spot," You said stepping out of the little room.

"Would you like to see the purpose of this? I'm hopeful it will throw off the heroes," Dimentio grinned twirling in the air, then he suddenly disappeared. The lights turned off and you had been left with only white outlines of the room, it looked similar to the video game, although this was real life. Something purple and yellow fired at your foot, startled you looked at the cause of it but found nothing. As soon as that thought crossed your mind all the mirrors were filled with different Dimentio's all smiling at you.

"Pay attention dear," they all said in unison. You took a step back and felt yourself run into something, another Dimentio.

"Your right, this is confusing..." you stepped inside of the secret room, only to find a sea of Dimentio's.

"What the fu-," You felt a finger touch your lips again, this time you could tell it was the real Dimentio.

"Language," they all turned toward you, and you spotted one that seemed happier then the others, grabbing the wrist of that Dimentio you triumphantly grinned.

"Found you!" You smirked.

"Shi-," you cut him off placing a finger to his lips.

"Language," You smirked, and Dimentio snapped teleporting the both of you to his room.

"It's time!" He grinned and snapped, he was in his Jester outfit along with his mask.

You appeared in an area of, nothing. Just white landscape. You could see L making his final remarks to the heroes. Silently, you floated over to the group. His bro-bot seemed fairly damaged, and the green thunder was also fairly bruised. You snuck up behind him before he could depart, and grabbed the pure heart, knocking it out of his hand. He had left, not seeming to notice it missing. The pure heart made a light tap on the ground as it made contact, it seemed covered In stone. You knew the next time you would see Mr.L would be during the final battle, and you would be fighting along side with him, until then all you had to do was return, you felt a hand on yours, and you appeared in the castle. You were now in the room you and Dimentio shared, pulling out your sketch book, you decided to draw for the remainder of time until Dimentio would return.

"Ciao, Mr.L," Dimentio snapped, and left him to the gates of the underwhere.

(A/N: Guess what kiddos! You are now sharing a room with the master of dimensions. The final battle is approaching, and so is super dimentio... well, I hope you like this chapter, see you in a week or maybe sooner y/n! Also at the end I couldn't stop thinking of the underwhere theme ahahah)

Ciao for now~

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