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Today was February Fourteenth, more specifically, Valentines day. Dimentio was still out, and you were going to do something special for him. You had no clue what, although you were certain you were going to do something nice. You thought about how you would retrieve those ideas. Sitting on the both of yours bed, you had thought about setting the bed itself, although you were too lazy after this morning. Earlier in the day, Dimentio had left in a hurry, just like his normal self, he was eager to check up on the heroes. He had quickly explained to you what his plan was except he hadn't stated how he was going to do it. He said he would check up on the heroes, in hell basically. You had argued with him about how it was the place where the dead roamed and it was not safe although he had laughed it off and promised to return safely. Although you thought he had been trying to impress you our something because instead of snapping he had changed, directly in front of you. You tried to look away, stuffing your face in the pillow, although the pillow had disappeared, and then had been lightly been thrown at the back of your head. You whipped your head around to glare at him, although you wished you had not turned around. You made eye contact with him and he had... nothing on. You screamed running out of the room, also laughing at the same time because of the drama you had caused. In all honesty, you had not minded him being naked, although he knew him all to well, and he was trying to overpower you. Before you could wake the whole castle, you felt a hand over your mouth and you couldn't stop your laughter, he had everything on now, except for his mask. He looked at you with a confused expression and you hugged him and laughed into his shoulder.

"What was that for?" He asked hugging back and laughing.

"Oh, I just wanted to see your reaction when I reacted like that," You smirked.

"So in other words you wouldn't mind me bare," He looked down and smirked at your blushing face.

"Uh, Well! It's, uh, well, I give up," You fake sobbed into his shoulder. He grabbed your shoulders and made eye contact with you.

"Although you did... actually fool me," He admitted, and you looked up at him shocked at his level of sincerity.

"Is this a dream? you'd never actually be this honest with me! oh gosh, if this is a dream I am pretty dirty minded... Hm, I wouldn't mind another one like it," You stuck your tongue out and him and laughed, so did he.

"Ciao for now Dimentio, stay safe!" You made your way back to the bedroom. He surprised you and grabbed your hand, forcing you to turn around, and he kissed you. You felt actual sincerity with this kiss, not that small hint of control you always felt.

"It's too early for this," You laughed to yourself and he disappeared. Still tired you headed back to bed.

Currently, you had decided to ask Mimi for help, she was clearly a hopeless romantic. You could hear her awake with the little squeals coming from her room, it signified she was fangirling and clearly talking to herself. You understood all too well her feelings, you thought giggling slightly. Thinking twice, you hesitantly knocked on the door.

"Who is it? IT better not be Dimentio!" She yelled, you wondered why she had asked whether it was Dimentio or not.

"No it's (y/n)," You stated knocking again. She swung open the door with a huge smile and gestured you to sit on her bed.

"So! Let me guess, relationship advice?!" She rhetorically asked.

"How did you guess?" You asked, a little freaked out.

"Dimentio came in yesterday, he was so hopeless, I swore to never let him in again- oops, maybe I shouldn't have said that," You nodded laughing a little at her comment.

"So advice yes? be yourself dummy! now go!" Mimi shoved you out of the room, an annoyed look crossed your face, that, had been a waste of time.

"Okay, f*ck this, I'll wing it," You whispered to yourself. You headed up to Dimentio's room, yes, you were still going to call it that because it had been his originally. You were going to stick with instinct and make him a card. After a little while it was finished, a cheesy note inside with a drawing on the front. Now, you knew he didn't take sweet things well, so pizza would have to do. You headed down to the kitchen and found Dimentio there that had noticed your presence and the card in your hand.

"What!?" The both of you yelled at the same time, then started laughing.

"I can't actually go to the underwhere to visit them y/n," Dimentio laughed.

"How should I have known?!" You asked laughing. You sheepishly handed him the card.

"I tried..."

"So did I," He pointed in the oven, sitting there was a cake. You hugged him.

"Screw trying to be romantic, we've already accomplished it," You laughed into his chest. You felt heat radiate from his hand and heard a small clink on the table, the cake was ready.

"I thought you said you didn't take sweet things well?" You asked, wondering how he would eat the cake.

"I take you well, you're sweet," He said while tucking a piece of your h/c hair behind your ear.

"Although to answer your question, just because I do not eat it doesn't mean you can not."

The two of you sat down at the table although you hadn't spotted any cutlery, you were about to question him until a fork with (favourite flavour) cake on it had been held in front of your face.

"Eat." You obeyed, your eyes widening at the heavenly taste of the cake, he smirked, looking at your face as though there was something on it. He brought his face closer to you and licked the icing off of your cheek, you blushed. He continued feeding you cake, and that was how you had spent your Valentines day.

(A/N: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! Sorry it's a little late. haha I hope you had fun spending time with the jester! I'll upload this weekend also, since this is a holiday special, see you then (y/n)!!! ciao!)

Charming (Dimentio x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang