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Your eyelids were pasted shut, sleep glued both eyes together as you slowly attempted to pull them apart. Your room felt rather strange, it seemed as though everything had changed. The bed was rather soft, you thought. It was definitely much more plush in comparison to the one you owned. You rubbed your face against the pillow, still having not opened your eyes. The cushion was velvet, very plush, relaxing, it was as though you could continue sleeping on and on.

Realizing you were somewhere you shouldn't be, you roughly opened your eyes, wiping away the remaining sleep as you sat up roughly.

You glanced around the room you had been sleeping in, blacks and purples dazzled the comfy bed, midnight blue and dark colours painted across the walls, it really was beautiful in a way.

Remembering this wasn't the time to be awing at somebody's bedroom, you threw the covers off of you glancing around the room frantically looking for an escape.

Your eyes hooked onto a dark window, almost invisible, although you were able to spot it. Cautiously tiptoeing across the room you walked over towards the window, pressing both hands into it while pushing. The window swung open, gusts of cold air filtering in the room. You shivered glancing down. It was pretty... high. You poked your head out of the window, leaning the slightest. It was definitely a terrible idea, although your curiosity got the best of you. You appeared to be in a castle, it omitted a tinge of familiarity. Where'd you know this from? You couldn't exactly recall, the midnight galaxy tones laid across the sky. The castle was very dark, white highlighting other doors and windows. It was beautiful although you were frightened.

If you chose to jump, you lost definitely would be dead, you were too high up for a safe landing. You leaned even further to spot below you whether you could climb down or not. Only one foot was touching the dark floor at this point, you held on tightly still peering outside, as the cold breeze was quite refreshing.

Suddenly the curtains blew shut, you quickly glanced behind you only to make direct eye contact with a masked figure.

"Oops~," they gleefully hummed, giving you a push, strong enough to send you flying out the window.

"THE FUCK—." You screamed at the figure, continuing to hold onto the arm of whoever sent you flying out the window. You did your best to pin them below you, a masked face that had its mouth frowning at you looked directly back.

The wind whistled as the two of you continued falling, although you noticed something different. "WERENT YOU SMILING A SECOND AGO?" Your eyebrows furrowed as you pressed your lips together, confused.

"Oh, you noticed (y/n)," your name rolled off their tongue, whether they were male or female, you couldn't exactly tell. They sounded rather calm falling from the sky, as though it was something that normally occurred, so you decided not to panic also.

"So what's up? Why'd you kidnap me? My parents are gonna freak," you shivered due to temperature, this was practically the typical nightmare, falling from the sky with you kidnapper.

"Congratulations dear you've passed my test," They answered nonchalantly, avoiding the question, then grabbing your arm with a sturdier grip then was expected. You were flung beneath them. A warm blush crept across your cheeks, it was an unknown reason for sure, you quickly looked away from them.

"Uh I'm kinda cold, we've been falling for a really long time, so if you could do anything other then stare at me... that'd be great..."

No response, just staring as you continued to fall. Your next though was certainly quite bold, as you decided to go for the mask in order to get their attention. You quickly reached toward, doing your best to yank it off in a teasing manner. As soon as your fingertips brushed the mask, you were forced into the ground by a strength that very much frightened you.

"Ouch, I'm sorry I was only teasing—," You grunted peeling yourself off the ground, your body was probably pretty bruised although somehow you weren't dead yet. You glanced up at them, they slowly drifted to the ground next to you.

"A-apologies, it was only reflex," he, you could tell, they had a pretty masculine voice. It wasn't exactly deep, although seemed mischievous yet formal.

"Although teasing me? You don't quite know what you're getting yourself into miss (y/n)," He chuckled, gloved fingers intertwining with your bare ones. You shivered, a pink drenching your cheeks as you let out an inaudible "ok". He continued to chuckle as your curiosity and confusion only rose.

"Hold on tightly," He whispered, you did so. A flash of purple and you were in a completely different environment, hands still connected although back in the room you had woken up in.

"It's a pleasure to meet you (y/n) I am the master of dimensions, pleaser of crowds, the one and only, Dimentio!" He proudly announced as you couldn't help but giggle, brightening the magicians smile a bit more.

"So this is castle bleck?" You asked, astonished. He seemed surprised.

"You know of it?"

"Yeah, I've heard of it." You pressed your lips together, excitement pouring over you. Yes being kidnapped isn't exactly something to get exited over although you weren't complaining about it either.

So that's pretty cool,
I've finally re-written this trash.
I swear every time I spell dimension I accidentally type "dimention" because of this stupid jester. I love when you guys give me feedback because it tells me what I've gotta improve on, so leave a comment (and maybe a star heehee) thanks and see you soon! — your pal that hooked you up with dimentio

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