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"(Y/N)!!!" You ignored Mimi's high pitched yelling, staring blankly at the wall ahead of you. Just recently your love had passed, and you were mourning every minute of it. You physically couldn't cry anymore, already having shed hundreds of tears not too long ago. Dried up tears remained on your cheeks as you kneeled on the floor aimlessly staring at the wall. Mimi tried abruptly breaking you out of your trance, although you remained silent and continued your staring. Finally, Mimi had attempted lifting you off the ground, although, she was much smaller than you, and her attempts fatal. You had grown tired of her attempts, and the void had still continued to grow, meaning that time was of the essence. You decided to finally comply, peeling yourself off of the dark floor, and you had decided to float. Moodily, you followed the Count, drowning out their words. You helped transport Nastasia, you carried her unconscious body while floating. The Count had waved his staff, a large black door with different patterns graved into it had appeared. You followed everyone as their footsteps all in unison stepped through to the other side. O'Chunks pitifully glanced at you, and you weakly had smiled back as he sadly looked away. The Count seemed to wave sadly at you and you had waved back. You remembered that the Count and Timpani would have their happy ending begin here. You jealously exhaled, if the Count's plan was to end all worlds and he still was able to obtain a happy ending, why didn't you have one? Anger flowed through you, as the Count and Pixl floated toward the altar, the black heart glowed, seething with dark power. Now you understood why Dimentio was so fascinated with this item, it simply drew you to it, it was as if it wanted you to focus on it. Although you ignored the urge as the Count and Lady Timpani spoke their vows. At this moment, you wished that could have been you and Dimentio, possibly in a few years, exchanging vows by the altar. Although he was dead, therefore marriage was no longer possible.

Timpani and Blumiere, two star-crossed lovers by the altar, exchanging wedding vows, as they were being watched by the menacing aura of the chaos heart. When you pictured your marriage you certainly didn't imagine it being overlooked by a chaos heart, you also couldn't imagine how pressured you would feel if all the worlds survival rested on the faith of your marriage. That was possibly what Timpani felt, her originally being human, she possibly felt similar emotions as to those you had guessed. You had one small glimpse of a human Timpani before the pair disappeared. She had beautiful long silky hair, a slim but curvy frame, and her crystal clear eyes, seeming as though they kindly looked into your soul. She smiled at you kindly and you gave her and Blumiere a kind wave for their departure. A bright light flashed, blinding you for a second as you watched the others cover their eyes as well. The rumbling of the voice ceased, as the two simply drifted into nothing, along with the chaos heart, that disappeared. All worlds were saved, returned to their formal glory.

"Wait... Can you hear that?" Luigi asked as you listened intently.

"I hear Bells!" Mimi happily exclaimed.

"How lovely! The bells are giving their blessing to Tippi and Bleck!" The princess happily cheered, As Mario and you nodded simultaneously. O'Chunks made a hesitant grunt noise, as the bright light shone again, blinding you. The lot of you appeared in a small town called flipside, you had first visited it to deliver the princess along with Dimentio. It was the town between dimensions. Nastasia twitched in your arms.

"O'Chunks, look!" You quietly, although happily said.

"Great leapin' bog monkeys! Nastasia, she draws breath once again, lads! Nastasia! 'EY! NASTASIA! Miracle o' miracles! GRA-GOOGLY-HEY- HOORAH!" His eyes lit up as he cheered, seeing the one he loved draw breath once again. Yes, O'Chunks loved Nastasia, he had spoken to you about it back in Castle Bleck, you acknowledged his confession and soon discovered Nastasia was trying to conceal feelings for him, You hoped the two would express them to each other soon enough. You quietly smiled at the thought of another happy pair. Merlon walked in as Peach pointed out the disappeared void. Nastasia shook awake, startled although relieved. You hadn't paid attention to Nastasia as you were focused on the disappearing void. She broke into tears, clearly depressed at the loss of the Count. O'Chunks and you did your best to comfort her, confirming that she wouldn't be alone, as she had the both of you.

"A w-world of love, not war," Nastasia finally finished, you sadly wished that could be true, you brushed away all your ideas for returning Dimentio, as you focused your thoughts on the snacks at hand.

"Y-yeah let's go," You hiccuped with a sad smile, as Mimi happily spun around on her toes while walking down toward Saffrons for some treats. Mimi stopped in front of all of you gesturing for you to be quiet.

"So the dark prophecy was averted and peace reigned. The Dark Prognosticus again faded into history... Count Blumiere and his love, Lady Timpani, both vanished. Where did the pair go? None know. And so the story of the lost book of prophecies comes to an end... May we meet again in another time and place..." A voice mused, seeming to ring through all of your's ears, echoing through your brains as a dark chuckle occurred afterward.

"W-what was that?" Princess Peach sounded startled. Who wouldn't be? Mario was ready to spring up and fight whoever this had been.

"No need for that Mario, I won't return quite yet," The voice chuckled throughout your minds, as everyone was startled. It-He, yes, he, you knew it. He seemed to want you all to remain frightened, puzzled, as to who this was. Although the intention was much different, as you had already placed together with the pieces of this puzzle. You quickly grabbed one of the pastel yellow pillows in the booth of Saffrons. O'Chunks looked at you as he was seated next to you. You shoved your face into the pillow and squealed happily, although you assumed it sounded more distressed to everyone else, although you were not going to foil his plan, more like, part two.

"Lass? 're you okay?" O"Chunks put a hand on your shoulder, and you tried to stifle the large smile on your face, turning it into a frown.

"D-did you all hear that?" You tried to act distressed, and everyone had fallen for your act.

"Gee, that was spooky..." Mimi shook her hands to add on to the effect.

"Let's eat and not worry about this, whoever it was said that they wouldn't be back for a while," Nastasia pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"Back..?" Luigi and Mario simultaneously asked.

"Just eat, K?" Nastasia said angrily, as all of your friend's worried faces remained occupied with their food, you had to bite the inside of your cheek to prevent a smile crawling across your face.

'I'll save you this time.' You directed your thoughts to him.

'Mmm, I'm counting on it.' He laughed silently.

'Sh*t, I will not be able to contact you any further (Y/n), see you soon love.' He said in a distressed tone.

'Sh*t? Wow, you swore, something must be wrong.' You quietly chuckled as did he.

"(Y/N) STOP SPACING OUT!!!" Mimi yelled waving a hand in front of your face.

"Oh, sorry."

Merlon had taken you, Mimi and Nastasia to a house in Flipside, it was rather large. You ran up toward your room, flipping on the television and watching your favorite show.

"YES!" You squealed happily, not at your show, but at your thought conversation.

'I'll save you, don't worry.' You proudly thought as you assured yourself you were going to do everything it took to rescue him.

(A/N: *quietly squeals insanely* yes yes yes, also for fav show I'm probs watching ouran hshc, black butler 2, or yuri on ice... what about you?)

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