Stirred Feelings

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*Severus' POV*

I couldn't help but think of Miss Black all morning, or her crying for that matter. I noticed her absence at the table, as well. I didn't think much of it, in fact, I should be enjoying moments like this, not worrying. It wasn't my problem if she wanted to starve herself, it also wasn't my problem as to why she was crying. She's a weak and emotional girl, she could've broken a nail for all I knew.

Still, I was a bit curious as to her sudden daydream. It could possibly have something to do with her secret. I may never know since Albus found it unimportant to tell me, yet, he was so quick to throw the brat at me and expect me to care for her.

I scuffed at the thought of Albus' thinking.

"Severus, where is miss Black?" Minerva questioned me.

"How am I supposed to know? I sent her off first period." I looked at my plate carelessly.

"For what reason?" Her voice rose.

"She began to cry in my class. She couldn't even make it one class period."

"Severus! Treating a lady with such disrespect is-"

'Not a surprise, Minerva. How long have you known me? I do not tolerate such little girls in my class. When she learns to deal with her problems on her own time, then I will allow her back." I stated as she looked at me with eyes that accused me of being unreasonable.

"At least bring her lunch."

"If she were hungry, she would be here."

"Severus." It was no longer a suggestion.

"As you wish." I scowled and grabbed miss Black a plate of food. I wasn't entirely surprised when I opened my door to find her nosing through my books. I set the plate on the table and walked back to the door when I heard her say, "thank you." It wasn't her words that made me pause, but rather her tone, as if she had been crying again. I shook my head and proceeded to walk back to my classroom, where I taught good-for-nothing children. No matter how many detentions you gave them, they still thought they could do as they pleased.

After a long day, I was reluctant to head back to my dorm, but was eerie to the silence when I walked in. I took a moment to look around and noticed she had cleaned my entire room. For just a moment, I thought I felt a sting of guilt appear in my chest. I shook the thought, as what would I feel guilty for, and sat on the couch to relax. I laid my head back and listened in on her thoughts, to make sure she was really in there. Sure enough, I heard every curse she would love to use against me for being an ungrateful and careless git for kicking her out of class. I smirked and thought it'd be a cold day in hell when she shut her mind off. Even in sleep, she still had it going.

Tired as all hell, I dozed off into the same reoccurring dream.

"You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus, but only I can live forever," were the last words I heard before Lord Voldemort attempted to kill me, stupidly thinking I was the Elder Wand's master. I thought I was for sure going to die, even gave Potter the truth behind everything. I felt as if I had finally passed when a young woman, whose features were always blurred, breathed life into me.

The vibrant red hair, reluctantly like miss Blacks, had me to believe Lily had brought me back to life. I've told myself over and over that it was impossible, my Lily was dead. Still, how else could I have been resurrected?

I opened my eyes to the same outline as the woman in my dream. I jumped in surprise but growled when I noticed who it was, "Severus, are you alright?"

"Yes, miss Black, could you back away?"

"Oh, sorry. I came out for a glass of water and saw you sleeping here. I was going to wake you, but you looked so... Peaceful." I eyed her questioningly before ignoring her comment.

"What time is it?" I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Two in the morning." She said as she opened the cupboard. I watched her look up and sigh, as she could barely reach the glasses. It was when she began climbing that I walked over to her and cleared my throat. She looked down and smiled proudly as she grabbed one, but lost balance and slipped. I instinctively caught her with one arm and stumbled back to catch the glass, which ended up with her in my lap on the floor.

We stared at each other for a few moments before she nervously laughed and helped me up, "T-thank you, Severus." I couldn't find the means to reply, but instead, I watched as she filled her glass and rushed to her room. I couldn't help but stand there in shock as to what just happened.

"She has beautiful bright green eyes, just like Lily." I thought but instantly shoved it away, I mean, what was I thinking?

I've noticed her beauty, who hasn't, but comparing her to Lily, of all people? She was still a nineteen year old brat, even if her intentions were innocent.

*Kiah's POV*

My heart was still pounding the next morning when I woke up. I couldn't get the image out of my head. The way his black eyes were staring deep into mine as my body was so close to his. The only man I've ever been that close to was Cyrus, but I didn't feel any fear at all with Severus. I just felt like I have a secret connection with him that I don't even know about, like I know him.

I attempted to push him from my mind, but it was impossible, especially when our eyes locked the second I left my room. He didn't seem to care about what happened, but I looked down as my cheeks burned.

"What are you getting so worked up about? He's just your professor and caught you from falling. Big whoop." My cheeks felt normal and I was able to look at him again, "I believe I'll do better today, please let me try." I pleaded.

"Alright, but do not forget, I will not hesitate to embarrass you again if you start to leak in my class." He warned, face inches from mine.

A picture of him kissing me went through my head before nonchalantly walking toward the door, "I won't leak." I led the way this time, showing off that I remembered.

I wore a proud smile as we reached the classroom but it quickly faded when he didn't even acknowledge that I was able to remember. I pouted over to my desk and took a seat. I took a breath and mentally prepared for classes today. I came here to learn potions, not get distracted by a man that I wouldn't even see for awhile.

With that, Tobias walked in first. He attempted to approach me, "Can't this kid just learn instead of worrying about women?" I looked uneasy, but Severus coincidentally stopped right between him and my desk, looking over some of his notes. Tobias looked irritated, but quietly took his seat. Severus instantly continued to the front of the room and began lecturing the class.

I had to admit, it was boring, but I managed to pull through and listen to him talk about the volubilis potion, "does anyone have a clue as to what the purpose of this potion is?"

"Easy. Alters the drinkers voice."

He glanced at me and continued, "no? How about it's appearance or the ingredients used to brew it?"

I glanced around the room and almost felt pity that they were so stupid, "when finished, it turns a yellowish color. It's made with just four simple ingredients; Honey water, mint sprigs, stewed mandrake, and syrup of hellebore." I thought proudly when Severus called on me.

"Miss Black, if you could be so kind as to educate these idiots, I would appreciate your assistance." He stared at me, as well as everyone else.

I cleared my throat as I answered, "It takes Honey water, Mint Sprigs, Stewed Mandrake, and syrup of Hellebore in a series of steps to produce it and the final outcome should be a pleasant yellow."

"At least someone in this room has a brain." He sneered at his students, who were glaring at me, and resumed his lecture on the potion and it's history. It was after class that made my face beam when Severus complimented, "you did well today, I do hope you plan to keep it up."

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