High Levels Of Stress

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*Severus' POV*

I knew there was something she was refusing to tell me, and I had every intention of finding out. For now, I needed to inform Albus of her findings.

"So there really isn't any other way?" Minerva questioned with fear for the girl.

"I have a feeling there is something else that she refuses to tell me, but I can not find out unless I force legilimency on her." I informed and Minerva turned to me as if asking what I was waiting for.

"Don't tell us that you've grown to care for her, Severus?" Albus amused.

"I told you what I know and that's it." I sneered.

"And you've done well, I just hope that whatever happens, you'll know that you tried hard enough." What he said sent a pain through my chest as I stalked out.

Did she not trust me enough? What was so bad that she felt the need to hide from me? My mind wandered at the possibilities, but stopped when I entered my room to check on her. I kneeled down and gently slid her hair behind her ear so I could see her face.

My heart raced as I stared at her, even looking like this she was still beautiful. I caressed her cheek, fully aware of what I was doing, and kissed her forehead. I walked out and took the guest bedroom, as she deserved the most comfortable bed.

"What am I doing? The poor girl is going to die by the end of the month,and you still can't bring yourself to admit your feelings for her?

"It doesn't make much sense to tell someone you love them when they've showed no signs of feeling the same way, you'd be making fool of yourself, just like with Lily.

"You idiot, Lily doesn't even compare to her!"

I placed my arm over my eyes and groaned as the inner battles seemed to be more frequent, but I eventually fell asleep.

"Severus," I heard her call from my doorway. Her hair was slightly tangled and her lace robe was easily see-through. She leaned on her elbow and stuck one hip out, biting her lip.

"M-miss Black, this isn't-" I couldn't get a full sentence out before she was crawling on top of me. She placed a hand on my chest and traced it down under the blanket while she softly touched her lips to my neck.

I jumped when her hand slithered underneath my briefs, but instinctively entwined my fingers in her hair when she began biting my neck. She whispered, "Take it off," implying her robe. I was hesitant at first, but slowly untied it and pushed it down, revealing her beautiful bare body.

"Severus," I heard a whisper and jolted awake. I used my hand to hold my unwanted erection down and with my rare embarrassment, answered, "Yes, miss Black?"

"I'm sorry to wake you, but I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep. If it's not weird, could I sleep with you?" Her sleepy child-like voice was hard to reject, so I made room for her to crawl in.

She laid her head on my chest and wrapped her arm around my torso while placing her leg over my waist. I knew she felt safer being clung tome, but it didn't stop my heart from pounding uncontrollably, which I hoped to Merlin she didn't noticed. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and realized how much easier we could both sleep when together.

"And Severus?" She whispered.


"It's the ninth, isn't it? Happy birthday." My body tensed when she whispered it in my ear and kissed my cheek, then laid her head back down.

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