Exploring Ones Self

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*Kiah's POV*

"I'd like to do an occlumency lesson today." I stated after breakfast, ignoring the fact that I had no memory of how I got to my bed, but I wasn't about to ask.

"Are you sure?" He pressed.

"No matter what, I'll be strong this time." I said as I witnessed a smirk appear on his face.

"Let's start now, then." He walked over to the couch and allowed me get comfortable. I nodded with determination as I felt the pressure of him invading my privacy.

"I don't need this shit." I yelled after a year of our relationship. I finally grew the nerve to leave, and I did.

He had already hit me multiple times that day and I had enough. I held my wand to his face as I backed out of the house with nothing but the clothes I wore.

He didn't say a word, just watched me walk out. I didn't know where to go, but anywhere was better than home.

I ended up sleeping behind a tombstone in the same cemetery he first took me to, but was violently awaken with a wand in my throat.

"Get up." He ordered and I did so.

"Who are you?" I asked with fear in my voice.

"That doesn't concern you. All you need to know is you don't belong here, I believe you belong with Cyrus."

"I take it you're a friend of his, you can tell him to find someone else, I'm done."

"I don't think so. You see, it's either you go willingly, or I'll have to force you."

"Try me." My confidence shot up as fast as my wand did, but it wasn't good enough. An excruciating pain was sent through every bone in my body, making me fall to the ground, screaming. He didn't budge until I passed out twenty minutes later.

"He used the cruciatus curse on you." Severus informed coldly.

"I learned that a little while after when he verbally used it again on my second attempt to run away." I closed my eyes, holding back every feeling of pain.

"Did you ever have a plan or did you just wing it?" He scowled at my idiocy.

"It didn't matter where I ran to or how I planned it, he still found me... Do you recognize him at all?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"No, but I did see the dark mark, making him a retired death eater. I don't remember him at any of the meetings, he must've been a low-grade one, or the Dark Lord kept him busy." I looked at him questionably. He sighed and showed me his arm; the dark mark.

"You were-" I nearly choked.

"It isn't what it seems, don't go jumping to conclusions. Yes, I desired power and everything he offered, but due to certain incidents, I switched sides, turning spy for Dumbledore and risked my life every day to help Potter with his succession in defeating the Dark Lord. Nearly all death eaters were killed or sent to Azkaban, but of course, a few escaped. This man apparently being one." He explained and it took me a minute to understand.

"Well, that's great. My muggle idiot of a boyfriend befriended an ex-death eater, no offense."

"I think that's enough for one day. Why don't you start moving your things into your dorm." He took a deep breath, as if annoyed.

"And where is that?"

"Unfortunately, right next door to the left." He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Well, she wanted to keep us close, eh?" I laughed but he didn't find it funny, "fine, I'll move the few bags I have to my own quarters."

I walked into my room and sat on the bed. I took one last glance around the room and thought of how much I'd miss being here. I wasn't not ready to be by myself, and Severus had helped me so much, even if he was a sarcastic arse.

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